Memory of a Memory

Start from the beginning

While Finn continued to rub his head, the wizard pulled out a brown sack from his belt. "When you get close to the memory, your forehead will glow. Here, take this." He set the sack in Finn's hands. He opened it and stared at the glittery powder. "It's a sack of magic powder. Sit on the couch and sprinkle the powder on your head."

Finn closed up the sack before plopping a seat on the couch. Jake joined him as Campi moved to the corner. Before they did anything, Finn patted Y/n's head gently. "Don't worry, we'll save ya."

Jake did the same as she continued to be slumped against the cushioned seat. Finn then grabbed the powder before sprinkling some on himself and Jake. "Like this?" He asked, making sure he did it right.

The wizard nodded, a grin growing on his face. "Yep, like that. Feel sleepy?" He asked.

"Mmhm." Both boys nodded.

"Good. Sleep now. But know this! If you fail, Marceline will be trapped in eternal sleep... forever!" As the Wizard spoke, both boys gasped at the thought. "And ever. And ever." The Wizard's voice faded away as their eyes started to feel heavy. Their lids dropped lower and lower till they were shut completely.

Their bodies fell on each other as they went into a deep sleep.

The room was quiet until the Wizard laughed. His evil chuckles echoed around as he revealed his two arms. He grabbed the powder and tied it around his waist.

"I have to give it to them, they are helpful. Very helpful idiots." He laughed while pinching Finn's cheek.

Standing back, he walked into the kitchen and raided the pantry and fridge. "Now, what does Marci have..." He mumbled.

While the man was distracted, Marshall entered through a portal that appeared on the ground. He floated up while stretching his arms, a heavy cooler was strapped around his shoulder.

"Alright, I'm back. Now let's chug down some-" He froze at the sight. His sister was on the ground, face down. Y/n was slumped on the couch, and Campi was shaking in a corner, while Finn and Jake were slumped on the couch.

He dropped the cooler with a gasp before dropping next to his sister. "Marci? Marci?!" He shook her arm. "Marceline, come on!" He shouted, tears pricking his eyes. Then he rushed over to Y/n, his hand placed on her neck to check for a pulse. Then, she let out a snore.

He sighed in relief. She was just sleeping. Then, his vision was blinded by a gold power. He coughed, trying to get the dusty taste out of his mouth. Looking around, he saw... a city?

Marshall stood and looked around. It was empty, nobody was around. But there was nothing wrong with the city. It was all just normal. He walked down a street, it felt familiar. The gas station flashed its sign, it was colorful and filled with food and items.

He passed it and soon found himself in a white void. Nothing was in front, nothing was behind. It was just him. His eyes darted around. Everything was bright, but he wasn't harmed. It felt nice being able to feel this type of light. Then, he ran into something.

His gut was hit by something he couldn't see. He grabbed his stomach before slowly feeling around. There was a small circular feeling in front. His hand grabbed it before it twisted.

Then he pushed in. The light was still around, but now he could see color. The room on the other side was small, but it was decorated so nicely.

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