alpha gamers!

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Kris pov

Me and birdly sat in my bedroom grinding it out to some video games. The two of us were the only gamers in our friend group so we could only do this when we were alone. Right now we were playing a bit of street fighter and birdly was for lack of a better term kicking my ass!

"You should give up now Kris" birdly eyes were glued to the screen "your skill is adequate but I am an alpha gamer with years of experience. You can't possibly win"

Suddenly an idea popped into my mind. I smirked and leaned over and whispered "you're really attractive when you game"

"Wha-" his face went a deep red. I took this opportunity to land a critical blow "hey no fair. You distracted me!"

"All fair in love and war baby blue" I winked at him.

"Hehe you think you can still bother me with that nickname but I have a countermeasure" birdly adjusted his glasses like an anime protagonist.

"Really?" I gave him an amused smile.

"Yes I know just how to deal with you now.. Kristal" he froze, immediately regretting his words "that sounds so bad why did I say that I'm so stupid!" He rambled as he curled up into a ball of shame.

"Hey don't be embarrassed" I petted his head reassuringly "I thought it was cute. No one's ever tried to give me a nickname before"

"So you're not embarrassed by the mere sight of me?" He looked up vulnerably.

"Not even in the slightest" I smiled at him.

"Very well then. Let us continue gaming as if nothing happened" he picked up a controller. I followed suit.

But all I could think about was that nickname...

Deltaflirt! (Deltarune Au)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ