saying goodbye to raisal

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Kris pov

"Well this is it" Susie looked up at the dark fountain, the one said to destroy the world if left unchecked "it's time to go home"

The two of us reluctantly stepped forward. Neither of us wanted to leave the new friends we made, the great adventures we had but we had to go. No matter how miserable our life is up there staying down here is just unrealistic.

"I guess this is goodbye" ralsai covered his eyes with his furry paws. Was he crying for us? I was just about to reach out and comfort him when he took off his hat, revealing...

"Gah! You're a goat!" Susie jumped back in shock.

"Is that so surprising?" Ralsai tilted his head in confusion. His white fur and pink eye were a lot more obvious now. I can't believe I didn't see it before.

"Hell yes it is" Susie yelled. Ralsai let out a soft giggle.

"I'm so sorry for deceiving you Susie" ralsai winked at her.

"Since when did he get so sassy" Susie whispered to me.

"You must have rubbed off on him" I chuckled.

"Susie, Kris I'm honoured to have travelled alongside you both. Goodbye" he bowed politely to us.

"Yeah sure dude" Susie scratched her head, clearly unsure of how to handle his kindness.

I stepped forward and placed a hand on his cheek "thank you for looking after us ralsai. It's been a real treat"

"I-I hope you see you both again" he blushes slightly.

"Sooner than you think" I winked at him before leaving.

"You are so weird" Susie muttered as we entered the portal...

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