splitting up

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Kris pov

We walked around this futuristic dark world with one sole purpose, taking down the dark fountain. Sure I was worried for Noelle and mildly concerned for birdly but saving the world should probably be at the top of the list!

We stopped at a crossroads "we should probably split up" ralsai muttered "Kris who would you like to go with"

Ok think Kris, whoever you choose to go with will really up our romantic points. This is a crucial moment-

"Hey how come Kris gets to choose?" Susie folded her arms.

"Well I suppose they don't have to" ralsai muttered.

"Good, then you and I are going this way!" Susie grabbed ralsai and went up, leaving me alone.

I wandered the streets all alone. I hated being alone. I even prefer listening to my parents screaming at each other over being alone. Cause when there's nothing to distract me I'm left with my horrible thoughts. About how weird I am, how no one likes me, how everyone's abandoned me and I'm probably going to die alone-

"Check me out big brother" I stood at the sight of two children who seemed to be walking home from school "I drew this picture of me, you, mom and dad. We're a big happy family"

"Hey that's a great picture" the older child petted their head "you're getting more talented every day Krissy"

I felt my throat tightened. Azzy!

I blinked and the children were gone. Was it all in my head? I need to find someone before this place drives me mad!

Deltaflirt! (Deltarune Au)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu