Chapter 3 (Welcome to Hogwarts...)

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Song choice
Paradise- cold play

After about 20 minutes me and Pansy are finally in our robes, with our stuff heading off the train. I knew where I was exactly going, since I scripted that I knew my way all around Hogwarts.

We head into the dungeons where the Slytherin girls and boys dormitory's are. We head down to our dorm and Pansy opens the door for me.

"After youuu m'lady!!!"
Pansy grins at me and bows, I chuckle at the sight and head into our dorm, just what I imagined my dorm to look like in my script. I look around, looking over to my bed. I set my stuff down and sit down on my bed as I open my suit case.

"Need help unpacking, Y/n?" I hear Pansy behind me, I look over at her, "Nope! Everything is good." I smile sweetly at her, as she sits down on my bed. "Not gonna lie, I missed the food at Hogwarts! Can wait for the great hall feast!" Pansy groans dramatically.

Damn, I've never ate the actual food at Hogwarts, I would watch the videos on YouTube, they would say eat what was only the plate, and people would have reported that the food off the plate, got rotten and old which sucked for there noses. Which made me lose a little of my appetite, but curious cause I actually wanted to try it out.

My other roommate comes in, Daphne Greengrass, she plops down onto her bed and groans into her pillow.
"My sister, and Blaise...might be dating! I do not approve!" I almost laugh at what she said, this isn't what I scripted. BUTTTT this was funny to see how scripted scenarios affect others in my dr.

I look over at Pansy in which her face is red and she's is upset. "WHAT?!? SHES GONNA BREAK HIS HEART!" Pansy buries her face into her hands. Daphne seemed pretty mad. "The thing is, is that they are both players?!? This is gonna end wrong!"
Daphne comes over to us and removes Pansy's hands away from her face. I get off of my bed as the two are having a conversation, I felt pretty bad I'm kinda the reason why Pansy is like this.

But oh well do it for the plot!

As they are talking I unpack my stuff, setting down a snow globe that my father gave me. It was something from my cr that I scripted into my dr, I wanted to have something to remind me of my cr while I was here.

"So...great hall feast?"
I change the subject...Pansy and Daphne looking over.
"Right." Pansy says heading over to her suit case to get her makeup.

As we did our makeup, I look over at Pansy who's curling her hair, she looked beautiful.
"Going to impress another guy now?"
I wiggle my eyebrows.

"Yep, I don't need Blaise and I don't need Astoria to be rubbing this in my face."

Pansy curls her last part, I was about to say... SLAYY GURLLL but...this was the 1990's. Wooo saved myself from embarrassment!

Daphne was braiding her hair, she was simple, she didn't put too much makeup on just mascara and lip tint. I over here didn't know what the hell I was doing...I was indecisive about my makeup choices.

I wanted to impress everyone since it was my first time being here so I put some badass eye liner. Not toooo heavy, I curled the ends of my hair, it looking sorta like a blowout which I think looked hot.

After we were done, Pansy, Daphne and Me headed to the great hall. We sat down at the Slytherin dinner table, we were the early ones at the, I was talking with Daphne and Pansy about what we did over the summer, in which I told them what I did. ORRRRR what I scripted actually. I went to the Bahamas, went to concerts, did rich girl shit.

As everyone arrived to the table, Blaise sitting across from Pansy, Daphne across from Theo, and I'm across a rando. Great "WhEREs DrAcO?" I say to myself in my head.

Looking around the table not spotting him, no he was sitting right next to me. I instantly turn red looking away from him. Blaise and him were having a conversation. Across the table, I keep my eyes on Pansy. Then Dumbledore as he silences everyone. Then Speaks

Dumbledore:"Now we're all settled in I'd like to make a castle will not only be your home this year but home to some very special guests as well. You see Hogwarts has been chosen..."

I knew what was gonna happen already, I see the man come running to Dumbledore and whisper something to him, Dumbledore changing his speech.

Dumbledore: "So Hogwarts has been choosen to host
a legendary event. The Tri-Wizard tournament. Now for those of you who do not know, the tri-wizard tournament brings together three schools for a series of magical contests. From each school a single contestant is selected to compete. Now let me be clear, if choosen you stand alone. And trust me when I say these contests are not for the but more of that later. For join me in welcoming the lovely ladies of the Beauxbatons Academy of magic and their headmistress Madam Maxime."

I stop paying attention, I've seen this part of the movie  a Trillion times. I only wanted to see the part where Moody comes in which I think is pretty funny to see that one eye popping out and weird.

Thunder roars overhead, rain begins leaking through the roof and screams break out I was amazed instead. looking up at the ceiling, then glancing at Draco. A strange man stands in the doorway, obviously Mad-eye, he casts some magic upwards and seals the roof. "Peace is restored."

I keep my eyes on mood, he looked funny I wanted to hold myself back from laughing.

Dumbledore: "my dear old friend, thanks for coming."

After zoning out and not paying attention I hear Dumbledore announce the tri-wizard tournament. I should have scripted I should have participated but I didn't...maybe next dr when I get out of here or never.

The feast begins, I put food on my plate, and chat with Pansy and Daphne, keeping my gaze away from platinum blondie. I wanted to talk to him but I was nervous.

After our feast I headed back to my dorm room, Pansy was sitting down on her bed painting her nails, I was reading a book, she looks up at me. "Why were you so red at the great hall?" I froze, then smirking slightly.
Pansy tilts her head. "Got your eye on someone?"
I shake my head, but yes sense the beginning I've shifted here.

"No, No.." I say, Pansy sees right through me. "Tell me!" I groan in annoyance, not wanting to tell for the plot. "Nope no one."

Daphne was sitting on her bed sketching something she looks up at the two of us then gasps. "AHHH GUYS WE HAVE TO BE AT THE TRI-WIZARD MEETING!"

I turn pale, now how did I forget that. I wanted to see POTTAH get yelled at so I instantly stand up and run out of our dorm. Pansy and Daphne look at each other.
"She's been acting strange."


Y'all I'm so sorry for the boring chapter but! I promise you it's going to get better this is a slow burn sorta and just y/n taking in her surroundings sense she's shifted!

If you have any tell me song requests!!!

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