A Dress, An Introduction, A Meal, and An Unspoken Proposal

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Startled, I opened my eyes to sudden brightness and the soft chirping of birds, but not to my companions. Groaning at the bright light, I closed my eyes and turned to shy away from it when I felt something warm brush against my front. Curious, I opened my eyes to find Endia's back within reaching distance as something brushed against my back. Terrified that it could be an intruder, I turned my head only to sigh in relief upon finding Lehna lying beside us. Forcing a heavy breath out of my lips, I shifted away from my boundaries and pushed myself into a sitting position. Seated, I found Taria resting on the small chaise lounge facing me from the end of the bed instead of residing in the sitting room. Awake, I propped myself up against the bed's headboard, trying to recall what happened after I had spoken with Shae. When nothing came to me, I began to move to escape when Taria stretched, releasing a waking moan.

Seated, I watched her open her eyes and, with a few blinks, gaze at me. "Ilyanna?" Smiling, I opened my mouth to reply when Taria began to crawl across my bed, only to sit before me before taking my face in her hands. "Thank the Gods, you are awake!" Uncertain and confused, I squeaked out, "water?" Nodding, Taria hurried to climb out of the bed, shaking Lehna awake in the process. Lehna tumbled off the bed with a yelp as Taria raced to fill a cup with water from a nearby pitcher. "Taria!" She ignored Lehna's outraged cry as I tried to fight against smiling at their antics. Lehna groaned, annoyed, before picking herself up from the floor.

Standing, she dusted herself off and began to turn to face me as I replied with a smile. Lehna blinked while Taria hurried over and passed me a partially filled cup, saying, "Maester Chaffton said you must take small sips after you had woken." Nodding, I lifted the cup and allowed a small swallow to pass over the rim to coat my dry lips before traveling into my parched mouth. I continued to sip the cool liquid until my dry throat allowed me to ask, "how long was I asleep?" They glanced at each other before Lehna uttered, "you returned from speaking with Lord Tywin just after mid-day. Shae left a few moments later. It is after sunrise the following day." Nodding, I set my cup aside as Taria sat beside me. "You fainted so suddenly that Lehna immediately shouted for help. Devran arrived, and upon seeing you, he told the second guard to fetch Maester Chaffton before picking you up. We followed him into your room, and after he placed you on the bed, he departed to allow us to change you into a sleep gown." Taria grasped my hand as Lehna said, "Maester Chaffton arrived accompanied by Lord Lannister. Chaffton advised that he believed you fainted due to recent events. Lord Lannister pressed, asking when you would wake. Chaffton said you would wake when desired before asking us to remain with you until you woke." Nodding, I softly uttered, "I am sorry. I did not mean to cause such a..." Both shook their heads while Taria uttered, "you did nothing wrong." I squeezed her hand with a sad smile as someone knocked at the door. Lehna hurried over and opened it to reveal a Lannister page burdened with a bundle of gold cloth tied with a red ribbon and two red velvet bags. "Lord Lannister requires Lady Ilyanna to wear this during the King's presentation." Cautious, Lehna took the items from him. With a bow, the boy turned and left. Confused, I watched Lehna gently close the door before glancing at me.

Sighing, I uttered, "and with that, my period for rest is over." Moving my covers aside, I shifted toward the edge of the bed when Taria uttered, "you do not have to do this." I glanced at her and Lehna before saying, "thank you, but I can no longer depend on Robb to save us. If we are to survive, I must be willing to look at other avenues regardless of my dislike of those resting upon those paths." Taria sighed while Lehna said, "then we will remain beside you." Thankful, I felt Taria squeeze my hand before saying, "come, we should prepare for the day." Nodding, I slipped out of bed and proceeded to the lavatory. One changed the linens on my bed, and the other gathered the necessary undergarments for me.

Exiting the lavatory, I diligently washed my face, neck, and arms with the rose and lavender-scented water. Patting my skin dry, I walked over to my vanity and sat before gathering a pot of cream. Opening the pot, I withdrew some and rubbed the honey, lavender, and milk into my arms. While I did this, Taria approached me and gathered my hairbrush. Sighing, I moved to rub the cream into my hands as she dragged the bristles of the brush through my locks to prepare them for the standard courtly style.

Once my hair had been dressed, I stood and approached the garments Lehna had laid out for me to wear. Staring at the blue gown decorated with golden, silver, and red embroidery, I quickly realized it had a fitted bodice instead of the favored overlapping structure. Curious, I pushed the thought aside as Lehna, Taria, and I worked to remove my sleep gown and dress me in the item laid before me. With each new garment, I had to remind myself I was doing what was necessary to survive this place. Eventually, Taria finished lacing the gown close before stepping aside to adjust the fall of the skirt. As she worked, I spied Lehna approaching, holding a woven silver and gold belt depicting a roaring lion and a howling wolf. Much like the dress, I was surprised to note the inclusion of my house as Lehna secured the belt around my waist. Taria stood and quickly adjusted the flowing rope braids to drape over my partially covered shoulders before turning to gather the sea pearl hairpins hidden away in my jewelry box. Someone knocked as she turned to tuck the pins into the crown braid. Breathing out, I clearly said, "come," as Taria artfully placed the pins while securing the braid. Observing my reflection, I heard the door open to reveal Devran and another Lannister guard. "Lord Lannister wishes to see you before the throne room gathering." Nodding, I watched Taria step away to pick up shawls for Lehna and herself while Lehna approached with the red velvet bag. Taking the bag from Lehna, I turned to face Devran, allowing Lehna to take a pale green shawl from Taria. "Of course, I would not wish to keep him waiting." Devran bowed, turned, and began walking through my sitting room. Lehna, Taria, and I followed behind as the second guard trailed after the four of us.

Devran silently led us through several corridors before stopping in front of the spiral stone staircase that occupied the Tower of the Hand. Inhaling, I lifted my skirts and began to ascend the stairs, hearing Lehna and Taria follow. Like the previous morning, I entered the room decorated in Lannister iconography to find Tywin Lannister, partially dressed in Lannister armor, seated behind his vast desk, dragging a quill across the parchment. I moved to curtsy when he asked, "have the three of you eaten?" Exhaling, I stated, "no, Lord Hand, my ladies and I have not eaten this morning." Looking up, he uttered, "sit and eat. I will join you when I am finished." Nodding, the three of us sat at a long table where a food selection and six place settings waited. Once seated, I heard a door open and close. Looking up, I blinked as an unknown man and a clean-shaven and cleanly dressed Jaime entered. The two men glanced in our direction, and before anyone could exchange pleasantries, the second man uttered, "you did not say the She-Wolf that haunted your thoughts was an exceptional beauty, my friend."

Remaining silent, I watched Jaime glare at the man before sitting across from me, grumbling, "she does not haunt my thoughts, Addam." The man laughed and patted Jaime's back before sitting across from Lehna. "No, Jaime, she just haunts your dreams." Forcing myself not to react, I heard two chairs move, followed by Lord Tywin saying, "cease your jabs and introduce yourself to the ladies, Marbrand." Lifting my head, I observed lord Tywin was now seated at the head of the table while Devran sat across Taria while a click struck the flagstone floor. Turning toward the sound, I was surprised to see Lady Sarsfield entering before sitting in the unoccupied seat. The man smiled boyishly before saying, "I am Ser Addam Marbrand of Ashmark, and you stunning ladies are...?" Unimpressed with the youthful smile, I calmly said, "I am Ilyanna Stark of Winterfell, and these are my ladies: Lehna Snow and Taria Hill, Ser Marbrand." His smile grew as two servants entered from a side room before approaching to fill our cups while Lord Lannister finished filling his plate. "A pleasure to meet you. I would kiss each of your hands, but..." "You will close that mouth of yours before I force food into you like I did when you were a child, Addam!" We glanced at Lady Sarsfield, surprised as Jaime laughed while the jovial man uttered, "my apologies, dear Great Aunt."

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