Surrounded By the Great Lion's Supporters

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I woke early the following morning and contemplated returning to sleep when Lehna and Taria entered. Groaning, I sat up and watched them open the curtains, allowing the rising sun to filter in. "Do I have to?" They glanced at me with arched eyebrows as I huffed before throwing the blankets covering me aside. Slipping out of bed, I quickly stretched my arms above my head as the sea blue skirts of my sleep gown fell about my legs. Lowering my arms, I moved to gather up my robe, and when I turned my head, I found Endia yawning loudly. Amused, I leaned over the side of the bed and stroked his back while Taria moved about to locate a gown for me. "Come on, Endia. If I must be up to face the day, so must you." Instead of standing, he turned onto his side. Shaking my head with a small smile, I gave in and scratched his stomach before ruffling the growing fur around his ears when Taria pleadingly uttered, "Ilyanna, you must come before the King summons you in only your sleepwear." Knowing she did not mean to reference Joffrey. Instead, I indulged in giving Endia one more starch. Satisfied, I stepped away and sat at my vanity, allowing Lehna to assist me in preparing for the day.

Moments later, I stood before my full-length looking glass dressed in a pale green overlapping dress decorated with red and blue embroidered flowers. Exhaling, I smoothed the brocaded fabric that perfectly hid my still-healing body. Annoyed, I reached up and brushed my loose hair to rest against my back. Breathing in, I felt light touches, slightly adjusting my appearance until I appeared nearly perfect. Staring at my reflection, I suddenly yearned to be back in Winterfell surrounded by those I loved when Lehna uttered, "you look beautiful, my Lady." Huffing, I turned my head, allowing the tail ends of my crown braid to brush against the curve of my neck as I observed Lehna and Taria.

They provided encouraging smiles draped in overlapping front bodice gowns with sleeves that hugged their arms until stopping just above the bend in their elbows. "Are you two comfortable wearing gowns that pay homage to my Father's house?" They glanced at the lightweight satin fabric of bluish grey decorated with silver, white, and pale grey embroidery that encased their bodies before looking at me. "The Hand via Lord Lydden permitted us to continue to wear the gowns you designed for us because he agreed that the other gowns were immodest." I nodded as Lehna shook her head, forcing her dark red locks to reveal the entwining braid that curved around the top of her head at Taria's words. "Are you afraid Lord Tyrion will disregard his Father's command?" Breathing out, I uttered, "as always, I am afraid that you two will face harm dressed in such opposition to the other ladymaids." Taria sighed while Lehna gently took hold of my hand, brushing her thumb over the minimalist silver signet I wore on my right hand. "We are not without protection, Ilyanna." Nodding, I squeezed her hand as Taria reached out and gently squeezed my shoulder. "Besides, why should we hide our loyalty to you by parading in those floaty see-through gowns." Taria nodded before uttering, "I can do without every man within a meter of me staring, trying to guess when I will get cold."

I unconsciously giggled as she brushed her long honey-blonde hair to rest over the back of her shoulder. "It is not funny, Ilyanna." I quieted my giggles as Taria pouted, amused. "What Taira means to say is dressed in a gown similar to yours; we do not have to worry about being confused with a lady from the Street of Silk dressed." Exhaling, Lehna uttered, "good. As much as I know you would prefer to remain in your rooms, you are due to join the ladies from the Crownlands and the Westerlands for your morning meal and needlework." Annoyed, I held back a frustrating sigh before saying, "fine, but only if Endia joins us to stretch his legs."

We turned our gaze to find Endia lying on a decadent grey pillow of goose feathers with a leg of meat between his front paws. He leaned forward and pulled a piece of flesh from the bone to eat. "I do not see why he cannot come with us, seeing that we are to meet the ladies in the garden." Taria nodded at Lehna's suggestion before adding, "perhaps we should have some food, water, and blankets brought out for him." Agreeing, I patted my right hip before saying, "come, Endia." He lifted his head and gazed at me with a quizzical glance. "Do you wish to go outside and scare the ladies of the Westerlands and Crownlands in ceasing their chatter so they can work on their needlework?" He glanced at the meat between his paws before looking back at me as if to ask if he could bring it with him. Nodding, I uttered, "yes, you can bring that with you." With a smile, he latched onto the meat and bounded over as we left my set of rooms to begin the day.

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