The King Joffrey's Name Day Tournament

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However, the following morning, I sat to my sister's left, viewing the tournament being presented for Joffrey's name day celebrations. Seated beneath the bloodred and golden canopy dressed in an unfaltering deep rose-colored gown trimmed with cooper, I forced myself to maintain a poise appearance. Smiling pleasantly, I turned my gaze and discovered that there appeared to be twice as many servants weaving their way through the spectators sitting upon red cushions lining the battlements. Curious at the number, I softly asked, "are Prince Tommen and Princess Myrcella joining the celebrations?" I felt Sansa shift beside me momentarily when Joffrey turned his gaze to look at me. "What was that?" I glanced at him before saying, "it is just that I would hate for them to interrupt the celebration held in your honor, your Grace, by arriving late." Staring, he turned away, muttering, "they will be along shortly." Nodding, I turned to view the arena where the competitors would be fighting when Joffrey asked, "how is the runt fairing?" Maintaining a pleasant smile, I glanced at him before saying, "Endia is faring well and learning swiftly to obey." He snorted unamused as Prince Tommen and Princess Myrcella arrived, accompanied by many guards and their Septa. Stopping before us, they immediately wished their brother and King a joyous name day before sitting in the chairs to Joffrey's right. With the younger royals present, Joffrey glanced at the auditor. He bowed his head and called the first participants forward. Breathing out, I was not surprised when Sansa took hold of my hand. Squeezing it lightly, we shifted our gaze to watch the Hound step forward to battle against a knight half his size.

Settled in their positions, they waited until Joffrey nodded with a sadistic smile; their steel weapons clashed. Fighting against wincing at the sound, I brushed my free hand down the soft fabric of my Southern-style gown to ease my tension when I felt a sharp squeeze. I calmly squeezed Sansa's hand in return as the melee continued. It wasn't until Joffrey suddenly stood and approached the portion of the rampart that stared directly into the lower part of the castle wall that fought against standing, striding over, and pushing him. Shaking the thought aside, I glanced away from the melee to discover three members of the Kingsguard eagerly watching the display. With silent observation, the Hound pushed his opponent's shield aside and brought the spiked mace he held across the man's chest. Stunned by the strike, the man stumbled backward and tumbled over the side of the wall with a short yell of fear. Sansa again squeezed my hand as the man stuck the hard stone floor moments later with a resounding splat.

Recognizing the Hound as the victor, the audience and we clapped while Joffrey happily yelled, "well struck! Well, struck, Dog!" Breathing out, I lowered my hands to my lap, noticing not for the first time that Devran and Jackar lingered near my left shoulder. Grateful for their presence, I silently wished that Lehna, Taria, and Endia were safe when Joffrey asked, "did you like that?" Returning to the present, I saw Joffrey watching Sansa and me. I smiled pleased, saying, "yes, your Grace, it was an admirable strike." His features scrunched up, confused, as he turned toward Sansa. "It was well struck, your Grace." His confusion turned to annoyance before he snarled, "I already said it was well-struck." Timidly, my sweet sister nodded, saying, "yes, your Grace." Appeased, he turned away to observe the paused melee before asking, "who's next?"

The auditor sighed before announcing, "Lothor Brune, freerider in the service of Lord Baelish," as he retook his seat with an undignified flop. Leaning back into his temporary throne, we observed a moderately tall man dressed in armor with a hammer in hand approach the auditor. Stopping, he bowed to us before the auditor announced his opponent, "Ser Dontos, the Red of House Hollard." The court and we silently waited for the second man to appear. However, when he did not, the auditor hastily yelled, "Ser Dontos, the Red of House Hollard!" Again, the man did not appear, and some crowd members began to search for him fervently.

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