Threats and Truths

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Standing, I watched her eyes trail over my tousled red locks that cascaded over my narrow shoulders before the strands brushed against the soft green dressing robe I wore over my nightwear. I felt her gaze sweep over the satin slippers covering my feet before she eventually met my ocean eyes. "What you did was inexcusable, and I am well within my rights to demand your tongue." Remaining silent, she breathed in and out before saying, "but considering the reason for your deplorable behavior, I am willing to excuse your impudence." Nodding, I softly uttered, "I am exceedingly grateful for your gratitude and understanding, your Grace." Smirking, she stood and, with the click of her shoes against the flagstone, approached me. Inhaling, I lifted my chin and turned to find her staring at me. "If you ever do that again, I will have you whipped and raped while my guards force your maids to watch. Am I understood?" Breathing out, I held her gaze before saying, "yes, your Grace." Amused, she turned to dismiss me as I coldly uttered, "I understand that you wished to comfort Sansa in her time of need, considering you are no longer able to do so now that Princess Myrcella is in Dorne." Enraged, she stared down at me as I softly uttered, "I hope a member of the Dornish royal family assists her in the same manner you have assisted my sister and me." With a crack, I felt a flare of pain radiating from the right side of my cheek. I slowly turned back to look at her as she coldly said, "leave." Nodding, I stepped back and, with a curtsy, left.

I exited her room, and with a breath, I tried to push away the stinging pain radiating from my cheek. Holding my brimming tears back, I heard a gentle voice ask, "everything well, Lady Ilyanna?" Turning to look, I was not surprised to find Devran waiting. But what surprised me was watching the transition from genuine concern to sudden anger graze over his fair features. Ashamed, I glanced away and uttered, "it was nothing but a gentle reminder from her Grace that I should not behave like a northern brute." He sighed exhaustedly before saying, "after you have cleaned your lip, I will escort you back to the holdfast." Nodding, I moved to lift my arm to brush the sleeve of my dressing gown over my mouth when he suddenly produced a handkerchief. I stared at the grey piece of cotton decorated with the golden lion of House Lannister intertwined with his emblem. Gently accepting the accessory, I brushed it over my mouth, catching the faint drops of blood as he melancholy uttered, "Taria will have my head if I return you to her injured." Amused by his fear of my friend, I softly murmured, "she does excellent work. You should ask her to decorate all your accessories with her work." He shook his head, partially amused by my teasing tone, before saying, "why did Lydden assign me to a mouthy Northern chit again?" Playfully offended, I uttered, "because without me, you would not have met your gentle lioness." With a belly laugh, he nodded before motioning for me to walk as he uttered, "there is that." Smiling despite the pain, I wandered down the corridor, hoping we would intersect my sister and Taria's path. As Devran predicted, we overtook them a few minutes later, and before I could speak, Sansa suddenly enveloped me in a fierce hug. Releasing that she may still be uncertain, I hugged her tightly before uttering, "I am well, sweet wolf." I felt her relax, allowing me to pull back slightly to observe her demure features. "We will talk when we retire to your room, okay?" Nodding, I smiled softly before saying, "come, I asked Shae to have a bath waiting for you so you can clean up before you begin your questions." She leaned into my side as we walked through the corridors silently. Entering her room, I was surprised to find Shae and Lehna working together to finish making her bed. Taria closed the door as I asked, "do you want to bathe now? Or after Shae tends to your hair?" She breathed before uttering, "can you brush my hair and pin it back before I take a bath."

Smiling, I motioned for her to lead me to her vanity when Lehna gently uttered, "for your comfort, I've placed a towel upon the vanity set and placed a cup of willow bark tea on the vanity top for you if the pain becomes too much." Sansa smiled gratefully before saying, "Shae, can you find me something to wear." She nodded and turned to select a garment when Taria kindly uttered, "perhaps it might be for the best that you wear a garment that is loose about the waist." Sansa appeared confused as Shae sneered at Taria. "Taria is merely suggesting you gradually wear more fitted garments as you become accustomed to the new changes occurring within your body. I know when starting my cycle for the first year, I did not enjoy wearing a fitted gown upon a laced corset pressing against my middle as my insides thundered with pain." Sansa settled upon the vanity seat, allowing me to remove the leather tie securing her braid. "No, she should dress properly if the King calls for her." I did not respond to Shae's biting tone as I unraveled Sansa's braided hair. "As I said, Taria merely offered a suggestion based on our talks regarding my cycle. If Sansa believes she can manage the pain by wearing a more fitted garment and underpinnings, then it is her choice. Only she can understand the nuances of her own body." Glancing in the mirror, I noted Shae's dark look until Sansa nodded. "Shae, can you bring each type of dress? After my bath, I'll look at them and decide what I will wear for the day." Shae offered a small smile and nodded before turning to do as asked.

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