A Honest Conversation Between Sisters

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After praying, I returned to my room and was pleasantly surprised to find Sansa and Shae in my sitting room. Shea awkwardly stood behind Sansa, occupying the shorter of my two sofas and stroking Endia's growing mane while her handmaiden clasped her hands in front of her. Entering, I smiled at her gentle movements while my growing lion cub rested his head upon her lap. "I did not expect to see today." Sansa glanced up while Taria asked, "tea?" Nodding, Lehna moved to leave to retrieve tea and cakes for us while Taria began to set the table. Sitting across from Sansa, I smiled as she continued to pet Endia as if he were Lady.

"I did not want to remain in my room." Nodding, I gently asked, "how are you feeling? Is the pain bearable?" She ceased and uttered, "the pain is becoming more manageable, but I have found it uncomfortable." Exhaling, I reached out and gently stroked Endia's back before uttering, "please do not hesitate to seek out Maester Chaffton if the pain worsens." Nodding, I asked, "is the pain more uncomfortable when you sit or stand?" Sansa lifted her head and softly uttered, "it varies at times." Endia burrowed into her lap, releasing a content purr. "If Shae can find some warming stones, you can wrap them in a think sheet before laying them across your lap. It will feel uncomfortable, but the warmth will help reduce the pain when you sit or sleep." Sansa blinked and glanced over her shoulder at Shae. The older woman nodded and said, "I will find some for this evening." Her shoulders relaxed as she stroked her fingers through Endia's mane. The door opened to reveal Lehna carrying a tea tray.

Lehna walked over, and with Taria's help, they laid the items out on the table. "Thank you, Lehna and Taria." They offered smiles and sat down while I began to pour the lavender and mint tea into the five empty teacups. "How do you take your tea, Miss Shae?" Lifting my gaze, she blinked and muttered, "pardon?" Sitting up, I motioned for her to join Sansa on the sofa before saying, "do you take honey, milk, cream, or sugar in your tea?" She offered a concerned look while she sat beside Sansa before saying, "only honey." Nodding, I set the teapot down and carter each cup to the recipient's taste. Finishing with my cup, I lifted it, and with a sip, I sighed as the warm liquid slid down my throat. Opening my eyes, I watched Shae cautiously sip her cup while Lehna and Taria released content sighs. Wetting my lips, I stared at the liquid within my cup before saying, "Renly Baratheon is dead." Lifting my head, I watched Sansa cough as she leaned forward to set her cup down. "He's dead?" Nodding, I set my cup down before saying, "I heard a few rumors suggesting Stannis killed his younger brother to avoid the possibility of him supplanting his seat on the Iron Throne." She whimpered and asked, "do you think Stannis will come here?" I nodded. "While coming back from the Godswood, I could hear the faint cries of the bells atop the Sept of Baelor." Reaching out, I placed my hand on her knee. "Lydden believes they will be here after nightfall." Sansa clasped my hand with hers as she uttered, "what will happen to us?" Exhaling, I squeezed her knee before saying, "we would likely take refuge with the other ladies in one of the inner chambers within the Red Keep."

She blinked away tears as she glanced at Endia, peacefully resting with his head in her lap, before looking at me. "Is that why you have a dagger?" Flexing my fingers against the fabric of her gown, I softly uttered, "yes and no." She offered a perplexed glance. "Robb gifted me the dagger before we left Winterfell as a name day gift." Surprised, she uttered, "he gifted you a dagger!" Smirking, I nodded yes. "Why would he do something so foolish? Surely Mother and Father would have..." Squeezing her knee, she breathed in and out as I softly uttered, "he gifted it to me because of his concern that I would and could encounter trouble. What would cause more commotion? A dagger amongst the folds of a gown? Or a sword strapped to my waist with a bow and a quiver of arrows slung across my back?" She breathed, uttering, "a sword with a bow and quiver of arrows." Nodding, I released her knee. "Robb likely foresaw no intention of me using the dagger and simply gifted it to me to ease his thoughts. However, as you have seen, I have been forced to use it more frequently to ensure we remain safe." "Like during the riots." I nodded yes. "Will you continue to carry it?" I muttered, "yes, and I have asked Lehna and Taria to continue to carry the blades they own should they need to protect themselves."

Sansa shifted within her seat, causing Endia to lift his head before standing. Stretching, he leaped from the sofa to the floor before walking over to me. Smiling, I leaned forward and ran my fingers through the fur growing around his face. Purring, he closed his eyes as I continued lavishing attention on him until I softly uttered, "does the idea that we carry daggers upset you?" Her reply was a shrug of indifference. Sighing, I shifted one of my hands from the sides of Endia's face to gently run my fingers through the fur on the top of his head. "What are you not saying, little sister?" Her handmaiden Shae remained silent as Sansa uttered, "it is nothing." I rolled my eyes before saying, "I know you well enough to know when you say nothing, you are referring to something. Tell me what is bothering you, and perhaps I can help you understand your confusion." With a breathy inhale, she uttered, "you claim you hate this place, but you have done nothing to liberate us. You speak with Lannister supporters instead of me and..." I watched her gaze travel to a content Endia before looking at me. Nodding, I petted Endia for a few more moments before uttering, "lay down now." Doing as I asked, he lay across my feet as I focused my attention on Sansa.

"What do you recall from our lessons with Maester Luwin?" She looked confused by my question before asking, "what does he have to do with your behavior?" Sighing, I fought back the urge to yell before uttering, "we are hostages, Sansa." She opened her mouth to retort when I gently said, "wards of the King and guests are merely more sociable words than prisoners. We may not be held in the dungeons or the black cells, but we are not allowed to leave the city. If he is pressing forward, Robb must take Kings Landing to secure our release. Once we are no longer bound here, how will Robb reward those who followed him?" She shifted awkwardly as I said, "he will marry us off in recognition of that support. We may be lucky enough to wed men who honor us as their wives far better than our current situation. Or we may be forced to marry to profit our brother." She shook her head in disbelief. Reaching out, I took hold of her hands and uttered, "I know you do not want to think of this, but I have to." Closing my eyes, I took a deep breath before saying, "should Robb fail, the Northern crown would fall to Bran or Rickon, and if the Gods take them, it will fall to me," as I opened my eyes to gaze at her. "Sansa, I have been doing what I can to ensure our continued safety since Father's arrest and execution by reaching out to the house that I believe is the strongest." She sighed and muttered, "the Lannisters." Nodding, I uttered, "by speaking with the ladies of the West and getting to know Lydden I hope that when Lord Tywin comes, I can protect us should Robb be defeated. But it does not mean I am disloyal to Robb." She sniffled and asked, "what do you mean?

Releasing her hand, I withdrew the silver chain from beneath the neckline of my gown. The silver-detailed head of Ghost with his red eye sparkled against the soft golden and purple of my dress. She hesitantly reached out, brushed her thumb's pad over the small ruby, and uttered, "Ghost." Smiling through held-back tears, I spoke, "just as Robb gifted me a dagger made of Valerian steel, Jon gifted me a piece of home." She looked away from the pendant, muttering, "I was so horrible to him." Sadden, I released my necklace and laid my forehead against hers, stating, "horrible as you could have been, Jon will not hold your past actions against you." Sniffling, she pulled away and brushed a few stare tears away from her cheeks.

"I am sorry that I have been a terror." Shhing, I got up from my seat and sat beside her, only to feel her arms wrap around me. Holding her tightly, I ran one of my hands through her hair while the other gently stroked her back. "Oh, sweet wolf, we both have been misguided." Her tears began to soak my shoulder as I softly uttered, "I do not blame you for the measures you implemented to protect yourself, and I hope you do not blame me for mine." Whimpering, she asked, "I just want to go home." Breathing deeply, I squeezed my eyes shut, hoping it would stay off my tears. "So do I." Clinging to me, I gently rocked us back and forth, listening to the gentle sound of the waves beating against the rocks.

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