Myrcella Departs From King's Landing

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The day before her departure, I spent the morning assisting her in packing her things while calmly urging her to consider this a blessing instead of a sentence of unhappiness. Eventually, she grew frustrated with me, and before she could demand me to leave, I placed a light gray pouch before her. She glanced at it for a moment before looking at me. "It is not much, but I think you will be pleased." Curious, I watched her reach out and pick up the pouch before pulling it open. I watched her reach her left hand inside, and with a heavy breath, she removed the simple, delicate silver, diamond, and emerald bracelet I designed. Setting the pouch aside, she twisted the gift about, taking note of the crafted sleeping lion and wolf resting beside each other. She lifted her chin as I offered a small smile before saying, "I do not know what the future will hold, but I wanted to give you something to signify our friendship." She curled her fingers around the chilled metal before saying, "thank you, Ilyanna."

Nodding, I moved to stand and excuse myself when she asked, "can you watch over Tommen?" Surprised, I nodded yes as I stood and hurried over to her. Reaching out, I wrapped my arms around the fearful girl as she leaned into me. "Of course, Myrcella. I will do what I can to keep Tommen from harm." Sniffling, she clung to me, uttering, "I wish you were my Mother. If you were, I would not be sent to Dorne." Shhing her, I gently ran my fingers through her hair. "I wish the same, my gentle lioness." Some hours later, I left Myrcella to her packing, assuring her I would be with the rest of the court to see her off in the morning before journeying to the Godswood. Settling before the husk of the weathered Weirwood, I softly prayed for her safety and happiness in Dorne. The breeze whistled through the leaves as I uttered, "please, we are but children playing as adults. Many people feel slighted by what has happened, but this war is unnecessary, and no good will come from Joffrey remaining King." The leaves grew quiet as I sighed before saying, "just keep my siblings as safe as you can." With another whistle, I pushed myself upwards, and with a glance at the sea, I muttered, "do not do anything foolish, Kingslayer," before walking back to the Red Keep to rest for the evening.

The sun shone brightly as I entered the garden adjacent to my room and the holdfast accompanied by Endia. Turning a corner, I was not surprised to find Varys approaching us. Breathing out, I motioned for my guards to remain back. "Morning, my Lord." He bowed before saying, "morning, my Lady. I hope you do not mind this brief interruption before you retire to your rooms to prepare to see Princess Myrcella off." Nodding, I continued walking as Endia raced ahead of us. "What is the reason behind his interruption, my Lord?" He breathed and uttered, "I wanted to see how you are faring considering your expected reluctance to attend court." I stared at him before saying, "you say my behavior is a display of reluctance, and I say I am preserving." He smirked, amused. "Maester Chaffton says you are healing well." Conflicted and annoyed, I uttered, "as well as one can, considering they were whipped two weeks past, but that is not what you wish to discuss. Is it, my Lord?" He offered a half-smile before saying, "you're correct. I wanted to inform you that one of my little birds informed me that your brother's forces have cornered Lord Tywin's forces at Harrenhal."

Happy, I turned to ask what else he knew when he uttered, "my little birds also brought a surprising revelation concerning your brother's prisoners and their current locations." Confused, I lifted my head to gaze upwards at him. "What has happened to Robb's prisoners?" Stopping, he calmly uttered, "Alton Lannister was killed after his return from the capital." Shocked, I muttered, "no, Robb wouldn't be foolish enough to kill him just because..." Varys interrupted, saying, "it was not your brother who killed him." Breathing deeply, I uttered, "then who else would kill..." Varys just squeezed my hand before saying, "it seems his cousin unexpectedly killed him in his attempt to escape his confinement." Startled by his news, I uttered, "Jaime killed his cousin." Varys nodded as I tried to think of why when he spoke, "he was captured moments before your Mother was due to leave to travel to the Stormlands to speak with Renly."

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