The Madness of Joffrey Baratheon

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Still, I watched a predator smile pull at his lips as he dug at the arm of his throne. "Do you know of your brother's recent actions?" Gulping, I shook my head. "No, your Grace, I do not keep track of his actions." He hummed before saying, "because of your brother's sorcery, my grandfather has ordered the burning of the Riverlands from the Green Fork to the Gods Eye." Shocked by the cruelty, I moved to stand as he yelled out, "Preston, keep her on her knees!" With a forceful shove, I felt the stone floor cut through the layers of fabric covering my knees. Torn between wanting to fight against my jailor and turning to plead for assistance, Joffrey gleefully uttered, "for your brother's crimes, I order you to be whipped. Let us see if your wicked brother can hear your screams from the Riverlands." I heard heated murmurs from the crowd while someone walked up behind me. Breathing deeply, I pointedly lifted my head and stared at Joffrey as a whip cracked behind me. With another crack, I felt something skim over the back of my dress.

Biting down on my lip, I refused to break eye contact with Joffrey or cry out as the executor brought the tail of the whip against my back. Repeatedly, the end of the whip struck until Joffrey suddenly yelled, "stop!" My attacker backed away while Preston released his hold on me. Exhausted, my body began to fall forward when a pair of comforting arms stopped me. Clinging to them, I cautioned myself against crying when they brokenly uttered, "I am so sorry, my Lady." Blinking, I opened my eyes to find Lehna staring at me with bloodshot eyes. Offering her a weak smile, I muttered, "I am..." only to be interrupted by Joffrey saying, "bring Lady Sansa forward!" Dazed, I looked past Lehna to see Joffrey standing with his crossbow pointed at us. Terrified that Sansa may endure what I had just experienced, I yelled out, "your Grace, please, my sister knows nothing of our brother's actions," while using Lehna to support myself in standing. Once upright, I attempted to shuffle forward, but because of the pain thundering through my back, I felt my legs begin to shake. Before falling forward, I felt another pair of arms encase me as I turned to find Lehna offering me a look of uncertainty. Offering her a grateful smile, I turned to find Joffrey jeering at us.

"Perhaps it would be better to speak with Lord Lydden or your Small Council to..." Without warning, Lehna and I fell to the ground with a thud as blood began to trickle into my mouth. Blinking, I glanced up to find Preston standing over us as Joffrey uttered, "Ser Preston, should Lady Ilyanna attempt to interfere again, I command you to restrain her in any matter you deem necessary." Preston offered a leering smile as Lehna attempted to stand when he asked, "and what of the maid, your Grace?" Joffrey smiled condescendingly before saying, "Ser Mandon can assist you if she causes any trouble." I moved to grasp Lehna's hand only to find Ser Preston straddling my waist as he gripped and pushed my wrists to the ground. Smirking, he leaned forward and harshly uttered, "this is where you belong, she-wolf," before pressing his lower half against mine. Terrified, I spat, "let me go." He laughed and uttered, "I would assume you would be used to this position, considering this is the Kingslayer's preferred way to take whores."

Outraged, I tried to wiggle free of him when I heard the doors to the throne room open. Turning my head, I felt tears in my eyes as Sansa took in the scene. Ashamed, I glanced away, trying to keep my cries to myself while Joffrey ordered Sansa to her knees. My shoulders shook as he uttered, "seeing your sister could not answer for your brother's recent actions against the crown. I have summoned you here to answer for his latest treasonous actions." I felt Sansa gaze at me trapped beneath Ser Preston before she uttered, "your Grace, whatever our traitor brother has done, we had no part, you know that. I beg you, please." He seemed to appear unimpressed with her broken tears and pleas, but he did lower the crossbow slightly. With a nasty sneer, Joffrey snidely said, "Ser Lancel, tell them of this outrage."

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