Through the Eyes of Children

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Within an hour and a half of our inclusion, I could feel my frustrations rise at the middle-aged ladies, who had begun to grow steadily drunker by the moment as they whined about their husbands, the plights in the birthing bed, and rearing children. In contrast, the younger ladies tried to escape their mother's watchful gazes as the older woman observed them disapprovingly before gossiping harshly about an unaccounted lady. Disappointed with the continued conversations, I was about to suggest to Sansa that she encourage the ladies near her age to walk about the blooming flowers when Camyla and her latest companion, Aerona, came running into the canopy.

A few of the more intoxicated ladies sneered and muttered that they should behave like proper young ladies, while others scolded them for nearly hitting them before sipping the liquid that resided within their cups. Entertained by their liveliness, I set aside my cup as they raced to me with delighted smiles. Stopping, I heard Sansa giggle as Camyla excitedly asked, "can you come and play with us, Ilyanna?" Surprised by the question, I opened my mouth to reply when someone uttered, "go away, girls, and let us speak with Lady Ilyanna." Miffed by their answer, I narrowed my gaze when Aerona grasped my hand and began to playfully tug impatiently. Relaxing my features, I glanced at the young girl as she uttered, "please, say that you will come and play with us." Exhaling, I heard Sansa kindly ask, "will the boys not play?"

Camyla glanced at her before saying, "they just want to be mean." I held back a laugh as the young girl crossed her arms across her chest and began to pout. "Camyla, I am sure that is not their intention." She blinked and glanced at Lady Sarsfield while Aerona uttered, "maybe, but if Ilyanna comes with us, she can get them to play because they have to listen to her." Fighting back laughter, I heard Lady Sarsfield snort as I glanced at the little girls. "What do you two wish to play that they do not?" Camyla lowered her arms and glanced at Aerona before they uttered, "we want to play knights and ladies, but Zyre says it's stupid." Partially amused and sullen, I leaned forward, asking, "is it because some girls wish to be knights?" They shook their heads while Camyla whispered, "Zyre said they are trying to find out who the better knight is. That way, they can be ready to protect the city if another war comes. We want to play in the tourney so we can watch and cheer. Still, they won't listen." Baffled, I turned to Sansa for assistance when Aerona excitedly uttered, "But if Ilyanna comes and plays, we tell them that she is the Queen, and if they want to be knights, they will have to compete in her tourney."

Stunned by their thought process, I was about to tell them that I could not command the boys to play when Sansa, Lehna, and Taria released faint giggles. Dismayed, I gave the three of them a warning look not to encourage them while Lady Sarsfield laughed outright. Astonished by the force of her laugh, I glanced to my left while she uttered, "you cannot fault their logic in getting what they want, dear girl." Appalled, I spoke, "logical or not, I cannot command the boys to listen to me just so the girls can watch them play at being knights for their amusement." Sansa giggled before saying, "but that's what you used to do with Robb and Jon when we were little." Offended, I stared at her. She offered a tentative smile as Camyla grabbed my free hand and tugged with Aerona, chanting for me to come and play. "Girls, I cannot simply..." Only to be interrupted by Lady Sarsfield saying, "they will not stop until you appease them. So go and help their mothers by releasing all that unnecessary energy so they can partake in an afternoon nap." Defeated, I playfully glared at the older woman before saying, "very well, I will come and play, but only for a few moments." Camyla and Aerona cheered before grabbing my hands and tugging as I pushed myself up and followed them out of the tent toward the other children.

Struggling not to step on the skirt of my gown or the girls in front of me, I was directed to five anxious girls and seven annoyed boys. "Ilyanna said she would be our Queen, so we can play tourney!" The girls happily cheered as the boys groaned out their discomfort when a boy of ten, the oldest among the group, muttered, "I told you we are not playing tourney." I turned to look at him and noticed a faint pinkish color on his cheeks. Camyla stomped and yelled, "you can't tell us what to do because she is older than you and..." I gently touched her shoulder before asking, "what is your name?" His cheeks darkened as he uttered, "Zyre." Nodding, I released Camyla's shoulder and bent to look into his grey eyes. "Why do you not want to play tourney, Lord Zyre?" His cheeks were aflame, causing the other children to giggle as he glanced at the ground. "We do not have enough boys to fight against each other." Humming, I nodded before asking, "has your Maester told you about the tourney Queen Visenya held to appoint knights to the first Kingsguard?" He nodded as I uttered, "well as my ladies have named me Queen, do you not think I should have a set of loyal knights to guard me?" He nodded again as I asked, "how should I choose said knights?" Before he could reply, Aerona uttered, "by having a tourney!" Smiling, I nodded and said, "what an excellent idea. We should have a tourney so I can select the most honorable, strong, and righteous knights to protect us." Glancing at the young man, I asked, "do you think you can find some able-bodied knights to participate?" With a nod, he raced over to the boys to tell them.

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