One Can Prepare for War But Do Not Loose Sight of the Warlock

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Three days. We had three additional blissful days where we did not have to cater to Joffrey's whim, and I did not have to endure the sellsword's feeble attentions. Unfortunately, those three additional days were spent comforting my sister and refraining from allowing my anxiousness to seep through as we waited for the city to ring the bells, singling an oncoming battle. On the morning of the fourth day, I journeyed to the Godswood for prayer only to find Lord Tyrion, accompanied by Lydden, waiting for me. Breathing in, I glanced at Lehna and Taria as they nodded before allowing me to approach the two men. As I glanced at them, I quickly noticed that behind the fresh clothing and straight posture, they each had increasingly growing circles beneath their eyes. Partially concerned for their declining health, I debated asking if they were well when I heard the faint sounds of a swinging bell.

Recognizing the sound as a warning of approaching war, I glanced away from them and toward the calm water, trying to discern if I could see the approaching ships, but I only saw a clear blue horizon. "My Lady, perhaps it is best to return to the Holdfast instead of..." Cutting Tyrion off, I calmly asked, "do you know if he is expected to arrive by sea or land?" Looking away from the still horizon, I observed the two men as Lydden sighed. "Lord Tyrion believes he will arrive by sea." Nodding, I reflected on my exploration of the Red Keep escorted by Ser Selmy and Jory as I muttered, "if he comes via Dragonstone or Storm's End, he will likely approach by way of Blackwater Bay." Lydden nodded before saying, "considering he recently acquired Lord Renly's forces, he will likely sail from Storm's End rather than come by land. That is why we have forced our attention to reinforce Mudd Gate." Nodding, I tried to recall my somewhat limited and long-forgotten lessons from Maester Luwin on the various preparations one would undertake for battle when Tyrion uttered, "your sister and you will be well guarded."

Surprised by the firm tone in his unnecessary platitude, I glanced away from a troubled Lydden to stare at the shorter man. He looked up at me with a determined glint in his bluish-green eyes until I softly asked, "do you believe we will not be safe, my Lord?" By voicing my concern, I watched him awkwardly fidget before glancing at Lydden, who merely shook his head before returning his attention to me. With a sigh, Tyrion calmly uttered, "there is always a chance that our preparations could result in loss." I gave a solemn nod as he nearly sighed in refile until I stated, "you are right, my Lord." He opened his mouth to speak as I continued, "there is always the possibility of discord occurring before, during, and after a battle that would leave even the most prepared unable to perform. But from your tone, it seems you are assuming you will lose, and this battle will filter into the Red Keep's walls." Lydden observed me as Tyrion's eyebrows pulled inward as I uttered, "if you have adequately prepared and reinforced the gate, I do not understand why you fear for our safety."

Before he could counter my reply, we heard an announced form of rustling from the surrounding trees. Curious, I turned toward the movement and yelled, "who is there!" Fearful that it was Ser Preston sent on orders from Cersei to punish me, I moved to retrieve my hidden dagger from within the folds of my left sleeve when a pale man with dark blue lips and snuck eyes appeared before us, dressed in dark clothing and an equally dark turban. Bewildered by his abrupt appearance, I heard Lydden step forward while Tyrion uttered, "who are you? How'd you come to be here?"

Rather than speaking, the man glanced from Tyrion to Lydden and finally to myself before saying, "hello, Rose of Winter." Uncomfortable with the epithet, I withdrew my dagger and asked, "who are you?" His lips pulled outward, showing a light tint of blue that receded into his dark mouth. "I am a Warlock from Qarth and a House of the Undying member." Confused, I glanced at Lydden to find that he drew his sword and short dagger. Startled by his response to the man, I shifted my gaze to Tyrion to discover him sneering at the skinny man. "Why are you here? We have no use for you or the blood wizards your order has descended from."

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