Overhead Conversations Can Lead to Interesting Discovery

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Entering the courtyard, I was not surprised to find the child that was clearing had hurried away. Curious about what they may tell the Spider, I kept walking toward what remained of the Godswood when Taria asked, "would you like me to return Endia to your chambers, my Lady?" Stopping momentarily, I uttered, "not yet." Nodding, she calmly walked beside me as Lehna spoke, "I do not like how the Sellsword Lord Tyrion has employed looks at you." Unamused, I spat, "I do not like how he looks at us." Lifting the front of my gown, I climbed up a sloping step, leading us to a more secluded portion of the courtyard as Endia's posture began to take on a more predatory presence. "How does he look at us?" Surprised by her naive question, I glanced at Taria as Lehna gently touched her forearm before saying, "Ilyanna believes his gaze reflects a predator." Halting, I turned to face them, stating, "he seems to be looking for someone to share his bed regardless of whether it is her decision." She gapped, surprised as Lehna gently squeezed her hand reassuringly. "But then we would..." Nodding, I gently uttered, "it would not happen to..." only to hear a feminine voice coldly emit, "Lord Baelish" amongst clanking metal.

Interested, I motioned for Lehna and Taria to remain silent as I quietly approached a nearby adjacent wall that separated the gardens from a partially enclosed courtyard. Staying close to the chilling barricade, I heard Littlefinger respond with, "your Grace." Pressed against the stone separator, I heard them approach the Master of Coin and stop. "I wonder if I might ask you for a favor." "Of course, your Grace." I strained my ears and heard Cersei say, "Ned Stark's youngest daughter, Arya, we can't seem to locate her." Relieved that she could still not locate Arya within the city, I prayed that the old gods would guide her to safety when Baelish said, "if she's escaped the capital, Winterfell seems the logical destination."

Annoyed by his observation, I nearly cried out when Cersei coldly declared, "and yet my friends in the North report no sign of her." Annoyed that Cersei had twisted someone from the North to report back to her regarding the movement of our family, Littlefinger muttered, "curious." Pushing that off-putting thought aside to mull over later, I moved to step forward when I felt someone tug on my arm. Turning my head, I discovered Lehna and Taria standing behind me with visible fear in their eyes. Exhaling, I turned to offer them silent comfort when Endia bounded over and showed a curious head tilt. With a breathy exhale, I bent down and ran my fingers through the fur on his head while Cersei almost mockingly uttered, "if we choose to negotiate with the Starks, the girl has some value. Whoever finds her.... Well, you know what they say about Lannister and debts." Endia calmed while Littlefinger replied with what sounded like an unamused huff before saying, "well, you could ask Varys where she is. He'll have an answer for you. Whether you believe it." Standing, I heard Cersei loudly glare at him before he jokingly muttered, "I have always had difficulty trusting eunuch. Who knows what they want."

She did not sound to be amused because we heard her approach him before comfortingly saying, "a mockingbird" in an almost whimsical tone. "You created a sigil all your own, didn't you?" His satisfied smile grew as he boldly uttered, "yes." She exhaled and stepped back as the faint sound of leather brushing against plate armor began to encircle them. "Appropriate for a self-made man with so many songs to sing." Not recognizing her biting tone, he cheekily replied, "I'm glad you like it." The guards continued to move as he said, "while some people are fortunate enough to be born into the right family. Others have to find their way."

Recognizing the jab for its slightness, I heard Cersei laugh coldly before saying, "I heard a song once about a boy of modest means who found his way into the home of a prominent family. He loved the eldest daughter. Sadly, she had eyes for another." Lehna and Taria gently placed comforting hands on my shoulders upon hearing the familiar tale of the blooming relationship between my Mother and Uncle Brandon before his untimely death. Exhaling, we heard Littlefinger snarl at the memory before saying, "when boys and girls live in the same home, awkward situations can arise," as his shuffling feet pulled him close to the old lioness. "Sometimes, I've heard, even brothers and sisters develop certain affections." Biting down on my lip, I felt the air around me grow cold as he said, "and when those affections become common knowledge, well, that is an awkward situation, especially in a prominent family. But prominent families often forget a simple truth, I've found." Recalling my own emotions for my half-brother turned Cousin Jon, I could not fault Cersei in her frozen words asking, "and which truth is that?"

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