How Joffrey Deals With Robert's Bastards

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Terrified, I motioned for Lehna and Taria to remain seated while I slowly moved toward the door. Exhaling, I grasped the door handle and opened it with a light tug to Janos Slynt, the Lord Commander of the Gold Cloaks, standing before me with three men behind him. Breathing out, I glanced away from the stern older man to find one of the Gold Cloak's hands wrapped around Podrick's neck. Shocked, I heard myself asking, "what is going on here?" No one responded as I moved forward, saying, "release him before you kill him." The two knights that accompanied their commander remained silent before looking at Slynt. Ignoring them, he looked me over with a lecher glint before saying, "bring forth your handmaiden's Lady Stark." Grasping the door tightly, I uttered, "I will not call for them if you do not give me a reason for this unnecessary intimidation." He stepped forward into my presence, forcing me to lift my head to continue to meet his forced, intimidated gaze with my glacial stare. "We have learned that one of them is the bastard daughter of King Robert. So, you will bring them forth, or I will drag them out." Enraged, I spat, "which fool in this court led you to believe our late King fathered them?" I watched one of his companions stifle a laugh while the other squeezed Podrick's neck. "One that is more knowledgeable of such events than you. Now bring forth the bastards." Breathing in and out, I contemplated disregarding his request and slamming the door closed on him when I heard, "you will step away from Lady Stark and release the boy, or I will run you through Slynt." The three men before me turned to observe Tyrion and his sellsword-turned-bodyguard, Devran Archyr, Jackar Ferren, and Lord Lydden approaching us.

Grateful for their interruption, I watched the Gold Cloak holding Podrick release him as the young man dropped to the floor in an undignified lump. Janos breathed deeply as he and the other men took several steps back from my door, allowing Devran to stand before me while Jackar helped Podrick to stand. I relaxed my grip on the door as Devran leaned toward me and raised his hand only to clench it close. Surprised by the gesture, I barely missed him softly asking, "are you and your ladies well?" Shocked by the compassion in his voice, I nodded yes, unaware of the concerned glance gracing Lydden's older features. "What happened to bring the Lord Commander of the City Watch to your door, my Lady?" I glanced around Devran and noticed Lydden offering a cautious look. Exhaling, I softly uttered, "I returned to my room to find the young Payne standing guard. He informed me that Lord Tyrion appointed him to observe my sister's and my safety in addition to our fixed guards."

The men nodded while I watched Slynt adjust the placement of his hand on the hilt of his sword. "After we spoke, I retired to my room and spoke with my ladies of the young man's presence, amongst other things that occurred throughout the day." Jackar hummed before asking, "what happened next, my Lady?" I glanced at him, noticing Slynt beginning to shift his weight. "He banged on the door to my room, and after I opened it, I found one of his men strangling young Podrick. I asked him to be released. Instead, he demanded I bring my ladies before him because someone generated falsehoods about one of them being the bastard child of our late King. When I refused, he attempted to encourage me to bend to his will by accosting innocent men in front of me."

Devran tensed as he slowly glanced at the older man. "What business do you have here to demand to see Lady Stark's ladies, Slynt?" The older man glanced down at Lord Tyrion, Lord Lydden, and his men before saying, "my business is that of the crown." He looked away from them to glare at me before saying, "now call your lady maids forward, Lady Stark." I shook my head, spewing, "I will not subject my ladies to your review even if they were not born from King Robert's seed." Janos moved to step toward me when Lydden blocked his path by saying, "Tywin Lannister protects these women, and you wish to do them harm."

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