A Talk Between the Great Lion and the She-Wolf

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We hurriedly transverse the corridors before stopping outside the Tower of the Hand. Exhaling, I delicately lifted my skirts and followed two guards up the spiral stone staircase while Devran waited at the bottom. We eventually stopped before a rough wooden door I vaguely recalled was locked during my Father's tenure. Standing, I waited for one of the guards to open the door when one uttered, "you will wait here as I confirm with Lord Lannister that he may see you." Annoyed, I stared at the sentry before saying, "of course." The man shifted awkwardly as his companion opened the door. With a bow, the man turned and entered as the door was closed behind him. Inhaling, I refused to fidget under the silent warden while Lehna and Taria patiently waited behind me.

Exhaling another breath, I refrained from counting my waiting period when the door opened. Lifting my chin, I observed the guard as he spoke, "you may enter, but your ladies will remain here." Frustrated, I glanced at Lehna and Taria only to receive understanding nods. Turning my head, I stepped over the threshold to find Lord Lannister standing before an open window behind a vast wooden desk. Remaining still, I looked over the Great Lion, noticing that much of his golden hair had begun to shift to silver. Compared to his age, I quickly noticed that, like his son and Father, the man before me still retained the posture of a man bred to fight and defend. "Lady Ilyanna Stark, here at your request, Lord Hand." The aged lion flicked his wrist, and the man bowed, turned, opened the door, stepped through it, and closed it all in seconds. While uncomfortable with determined silence, I pleasantly embraced the awkward silence that encompassed the room after the guard's departure. From my place, I watched him stare out the window as waves crashed against the shore. Birds cawed at each other, and jeers from the smallfolk who dwelled in the Red Keep's shadow continued with their daily duties.

"What is your age, girl?" Surprised by the sudden question, I calmly stated, "I will be nine and ten in five moons." He released a hum and nodded. "You were eighteen when you wrote to me asking that I assist your foolish Father." Ignoring his barb, I said, "yes, I was eighteen when I wrote to you expressing a union to prevent further bloodshed." He hummed until I said, "my handmaiden informed me that you would agree if I could convince my parents to withhold their demands against your House. Considering I could not contact my Mother and my Father was unjustly convicted of treason only to be beheaded, I assumed you decided it was foolish play from a silly girl." His boots scraped against the stone floor as he turned to gaze at me. "But that does not explain why you sent Lord Lydden and his men to protect us if you did not think you could obtain something from my offer."

Humming, he turned around and rested his hand on the back of the highly decorated chair behind the obnoxious desk. "You remind me of my recent cupbearer. She was smart but foolish to assume I would not discipline her if need were." Confused by his comment, I nodded as he sat at his desk. Leaning into his seat, he asked, "what do you think I want with two girls?" Exhaling, I adjusted my hold on my book before saying, "my sister and I come from an unbroken line descended from the First Men. If my brothers were to pass before producing an heir, the burden of the North would fall on me before moving to my sister. Is it not easier for the Iron Throne to bring the North back into the fold by marriage than by conquering?" He offered no facial expression to suggest his opinion or his disinterest. Choosing it as a sign to continue, I stated, "my kin are Wardens of both the Riverlands and the Eyrie. Should they fall to war, age, or ill health, I am the next to hold power from the trident to the wall compared to the upstart Tyrells of Highgarden." Unamused, he uttered, "they are providing need men and food." Holding back the urge to roll my eyes, I asked, "I imagine they offered it as a means for a royal marriage to a possible maiden with ambitions to be Queen?" Again, he offered no opinion as I uttered, "whomever they put forth will be Queen of four realms until this war has been resolved. Can she bring the remaining realms to heel?"

He stared as I refused to fidget under the harsh, cold, emerald gaze. Instead, I met his stare and waited, knowing one of us would be faulting. With a growling rumble, I watched him stand and move toward me, saying, "you are willing to marry into my House." Disgusted with myself for even entertaining the thought that I would have to barter my virtue to ensure our safety, I gave a short nod and said, "yes, but I have conditions." He stopped at the edge of his desk before saying, "you are not in the position to offer conditions." Exhaling, I stepped forward and held my book out to him, saying, "if you are as informed as I was led to believe, you know that is incorrect." He stared at the leather-bound book before looking at me once again. "What is that?" I glanced at it before saying, "just a written recording of my time here from my Father's death until your recent arrival. I am sure you find my insights relevant to continuing your legacy." He exhaled and took the book from me, uttering, "I can see why my son was against a union between you and myself." Ignoring the mention of Jaime, I calmly said, "and which son would that be?" He stared and uttered, "careful girl. I like you, but that does not mean it will protect you." Nodding, I watched him set the book down before asking, "what conditions do you wish to discuss?"

Exhaling, I clasped my hands and said, "I will agree to wed a man of your choosing after you have found a way to end my sister's engagement to the King. I have no doubt there has been talk of putting her aside and replacing her with a Tyrell. I am confident you will see the apparent need after you have read and spoken to the men you sent to watch us." He stared and asked, "and if I do not?" Breathing out, I turned away from him and lifted my right arm to scoop my hair over my right shoulder. Standing still, I softly said, "I am sure you will see the reason behind my rest." I heard him breathe in, and with a creak of leather, he asked, "who did this?" Wetting my lips, I ran my fingers through the intersecting braids, holding a portion of my hair away from my face. "Are you asking who held the whip? Who held me down? Or who ordered it done?" I heard his knuckles crack before he said, "how long ago did my foolish grandson order this?" Relieved that I did not have to say a name, I declared, "the punishment was ordered after he had learned of my brother defeating your forces at Oxcross and Ashemark. My handmaidens and I were surprised that despite the marks, there was no additional harm." Exhaling, I slowly turned back around to face the enraged lion. "Your youngest son prevented the King from allowing others to beat us further. Since that day, we have been mostly ignored until we learned that should the city fall, the ladies that resided in Maegor's Holdfast with us would not see the sunrise by order of the Queen Regent."

His gaze darkened as I calmly said, "I am not asking for sympathy or justice, only the certainty that my sister will remain safe once I have married a man of your choice." With a breath, he nodded before saying, "I will think about the information you have brought to my attention." Nodding, I moved to curtsey when he uttered, "I expect your sister and you to be at court tomorrow morning to welcome me as the city's savior." I nodded and spoke, "of course, we will be honored to be present." He nodded as I quickly curtsied and turned to leave when he said, "I heard that you wish to see my youngest son." Stopping before the closed door, I uttered, "yes, he has become a friend, and with his recent injury during the battle, I hope my presence may offer comfort if you allow it." Humming, he uttered, "I will give you my answer when I have decided." Nodding, I curtsied once more and opened the door. Crossing through it, I shut it behind me to find Lehna and Taria still waiting. Ignoring the sentries, I softly said, "I want to see the Maester before speaking to my sister before we join the Western Ladies in the garden." Nodding, they stepped forward as I brushed my hair over my shoulder before walking down the spiral stone staircase to meet Devran and asking if he could escort Sansa to my sitting room. Nodding, he uttered, "of course, I will retrieve her once you have returned to your chambers." Grateful, I followed him away from the Tower of the Hand, wondering if I should ask Maester Chaffton to review my painful wrist.

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