Surrounded By the Great Lion's Supporters

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The morning's amusement proceeded with a mixture of shocked faces from the assembled court ladies silently observing Endia parading beside me with a piece of meat grasped between his teeth. At the same time, their gazes widened at the numerous guards trailing after us, carrying an assortment of goodies for Endia to enjoy. With a chipper good morning, I instructed the guards to lay Endia's things out beneath a nearby tree. Nodding, they hurried to do so while Taria gave me the fabric I had been working with. Sitting beneath a canopy of blue and gold silk, I turned to resume my stitch work when a bold voice asked, "would it not have been wiser to keep the beast indoors?" Lifting my gaze, I stared at an older woman from the Westerlands before saying, "the guards are not beasts, Lady Sarsfield. They are only here to keep us safe." Huffing, she stabbed the meal before her forcefully as a few younger ladies giggled, amused. Amused by her blunted annoyance, I took a gentle bite of my morning meal before focusing on my needlework.

Partway through stitching a dragonfly, I heard a voice cry, "Camyla!" Startled, I lifted my gaze to find Lady Aianna's young daughter moving to approach Endia, resting a few meters from me. Reacting swiftly, I stood and hastened to the toddling girl before scooping her into my arms. Mindful of the placement of the needle still clutched in my hand, I settled her against my opposite hip. Elated, she beamed at me with a bright smile before grasping my free-flowing hair. Relieved, I felt her relax into the curve of my upper body as we returned to the canopy and her anxious mother. "Little one, what were you planning on doing?" She blinked and babbled, "Kitty," before pointing at Endia.

Shaking my head, I shifted her slightly as I walked back to the circle of anxious ladies, saying, "let us allow Endia to rest." She tilted her head, curious. "Kitty tired?" I nodded yes. "He was hunting all night to keep us safe and must sleep so he can resume hunting tonight." She glanced back at Endia and waved, uttering, "okay, sleep, Kitty." Laughing, amused, I entered the canopy and passed her to her fearful mother. "I have to take sleeping Endia back to his room, but you, little one, must mind your momma." She nodded, elated as Lady Aianna pulled her child close. With her returned, I excused myself from the group and stepped back out of the canopy before calling Endia to my side. He rolled his shoulders, stood, and bound over before rubbing his head against my leg. Smiling, I scratched his head before walking away as some older women, likely Lady Sarsfield began whispering how irresponsible I was to bring a lion to their conclave. India butted his head against the back of my leg, drawing a gasp from the ladies. I stopped and stretched my fingers through his fur before saying, "I know you want to have a playmate, but she is not a cub. She must stay with her momma, and you, my little King, must rest." With a faint roar of frustration, I stared at the ladies behind me before saying, "it is difficult to discipline something so impressionable." I turned away and resumed my pace to my set of rooms.

Taria, Lehna, Endia, and I silently wandered the corridors of the Red Keep, heading to my room where wayward children would not distribute Endia. Turning, I suddenly noticed a few Lannister guards outside the throne room. Curious by their unusual presence, I approached the silent guards to ask what was happening when I heard the familiar sounds of men working. Peering into the room, I saw several masonries reworking King Robert's decorations into something sinister. Breathing out, I stepped away from the door and returned to my companions when I heard a voice utter, "ahh, Lady Stark. Wonderful, would you stay for a moment." Pivoting my head, I watched Tyrion approaching, surrounded by wild hill people and the Sellsword. Doing as he bid, I waited as he stopped and stared at Endia. "Oh, so Lydden was right." Confused, I glanced from the short-statured man to my lion before saying, "right about what, Lord Hand?" Blinking, he glanced away from Endia and looked up at me. "My Father gifted you a lion cub." Annoyed, I calmly uttered, "he tasked Lord Lydden to bring the lion cub to Prince Tommen, who gifted it to me." Tyrion smirked. "Do you know that my Grandfather kept Lions at Casterly Rock?" I shook my head, saying, "I was not aware. Can I assume that he used them for hunting?" Tyrion laughed before saying, "walk with me, and I will tell you of a lion's life at the Rock." Nodding, I fell in step with him as Endia stayed close to my side while our companions trailed behind.

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