An Unexpected Ally

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Standing beside my sister on the balcony overlooking the Iron Throne and the court, I suddenly realized that we had been residing in Kings Landing for nine months. Exhaling, I turned my gaze from the solemn and silent court members to view Joffrey's usual expression of disinterest in presenting a Kingly presence outside of ordering Ser Ilyn Payne to remove our Father, Eddard Stark's head. Blinking away mournful tears, I shifted my gaze to find Lancel Lannister approaching, dressed in his house's typical deep red and gold. "Kneel before your King, Cousin Lancel." The young man kneeled before the seated King and his Mother. From his sat upon the Iron Throne, Joffrey stared down at his second cousin while I openly observed the solemn Queen wearing another deep red with gold embroidery. Lancel hastily kneeled as Joffrey huffed, pushing him out of his prickly seat. Stopping at the edge of the dais, Joffrey uttered, "Lancel Lannister, in the name of the Warrior, I charge you to be brave. In the name of the Father, I charge you to be just. In the name of the Mother, I charge you to defend the innocent." The crowd remained silent as the young King smirked before uttering, "arise, Ser Lancel Lannister, a knight of the Seven Kingdoms." The court politely clapped as the young Lannister stood and took the sword gifted to him. Joffrey's gaze shifted about the room.

Breathing out, I glanced at Lehna as she whispered, "would you like to take a walk in the garden, Lady Sansa?" Sansa blinked and softly uttered, "what if the King..." I gently nudged her. "I will be here if he should require us." She looked terrified but, with a nod, hastily followed Lehna out of the room. Turning back to the court, I wasn't surprised to find a dirty Lannister soldier stepping forward to likely report on the recent news from the war front. Joffrey appeared uninterested in his response until his Mother asked, "what news do you have of the Lord Commander?" The soldier shifted his weight awkwardly as he turned his attention to the Queen Mother before saying, "forgive me, your Grace, but your Father, Lord Tywin, has not received notice from Robb Stark on terms for the Lord Commander's release." With a glare, she inhaled and yelled, "where is Ilyanna Stark?"

Exhaling, I walked over to the staircase that descended into the room below with my head held high. Stepping off the last step, I wandered through the crowd and stopped beside the soldier. "Yes, your Grace." The lioness observed me as her cub boldly asked, "what do you have to say about your brother's actions?" I glanced at the young King. "As I am not my brother or in his company, I do not have an explanation for his actions, your Grace." Both sneered as Varys silently approached, saying, "perhaps if we offer a token of compassion to the young lord, we may..." Cersei glared at him. "He is a traitor, and I will not offer anything to a traitor." Varys nodded as he stepped away from Joffrey. "As you say, your Grace." Placated, Cersei observed me while Joffrey's leech grin grew. "Perhaps we should send a token from one of his sisters? Would your brother tell the difference between your finger and your sisters, Lady Ilyanna?" Recalling the screams sung by the bard as Ser Ilyn Payne removed his tongue, I uttered, "if you think it is wise, your Grace. I will gladly offer you one of mine as my sister will require them when you two wed." He looked bored by the notion of only mutilating me as Cersei appeared surprised by my acceptance. "Tell me, Lady Ilyanna." I shifted my gaze to the aging Queen. "You will allow my son to use you in any manner he desires if it brings forth the defeat of your brother. A boy you once shared a womb with."

Inhaling, I felt Joffrey's gleeful sneer travel over the length of my form as I maintained my gaze on Cersei. "My brother is a traitor, your Grace. He and all the Northern lords that rose against the Iron Throne are traitors." A few courtiers mumbled in agreement with my words. "As I stand before you, I reaffirm my loyalty to the King and the Iron Throne. By denouncing my familiar connection, I hope it ensures a continued betrothal arrangement for my sister and an eventual advantageous marriage for myself; I do so happily." She glared as I uttered, "why should I give my support and life to a family that believes in falsehoods? Like my sister, the court proudly sees King Joffrey as King Robert's son. She brought the truth to my eyes, and with that truth, she, by extension, our King, has my trust and loyalty."

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