Chapter 14

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{Kim Ae-ri POV}

As I and all the other late students barged into class, we got the shock of our life. 

The class was empty.

Completely empty!

We stared at each other in horror as we went through the class groups to check  if there was any change in schedule. After a while of searching, a girl mourned tiredly as she read out the message she found.

"Dear Students,

Today's 6 period classes will be cancelled due to some private matters. Please report to your homerooms as soon as you receive this message.


The Dean "

We all slumped down on the empty chairs as few of us went out to join their homerooms.

Most couldn't move as they were so tired.

It was a total of 12 of us at start and currently there were only 7.

It seemed that all 7 knew each other and that I was the only one who didn't know them.

Feeling like a third-wheeler, I stood up tiredly as I exited and went towards my homeroom that was way far from the classroom that I just exited.

It felt like ages, as I entered my homeroom almost stumbling.

My whole body was aching.

I finally reached my seat beside Rose and looked around but what! The class was a bit empty.

"Don't you think the class is a bit empty from early morning?" I asked as I strectched on the bench.

"Oh it's probably because Seventeen are missing.." Jennie said as she looked up from her book. "I didn't see them in any of my classes."

"Same. It is a bit eerie, isn't it?" Lisa said.

My stomach was churning. 

First the incident with Joshua

Then the WHOLE group going missing what on  earth was happening?!

I laid my hand on the table as I don't know when fell asleep.

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