Chapter 13

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{Kim Ae-ri POV}

I exited the class with Lisa as I continuned to hop about as the next period was my favourite and it was MATHS. I don't care who doesn't like it. I know I love it and that's it.

Lisa bid me a goodbye as she exited for her next class. I walked towards my locker to grab my  respected book,notebook and papers for maths class.

The worst was that the class that was assigned for maths class as pretty far from the last class. But luckily, we had a 20 minutes break before the maths class started.

So, I knew I had plenty of time.

"So this is what we're gonna study" I mumbled as quickly went through my maths book.

Lost in  thoughts, I failed to notice the tall figure making its way towards me. Suddenly, a hand accidentally brushed against mines, causing an electric current to surge through my veins. It was Joshua.

I stumbled back. I lost balance.

"Shit.." I said as I lost my balance as I tried to regain my footing. Joshua quickly caught me, his touch sending a jolt of warmth through me. 

"Careful there," he said with a soft smile. 

My mind was still reeling from the unexpected contact. 

"Sorry, I was lost in thought," I replied, embarrassed. But in that moment, I realized I wasn't just lost in thoughts, I was lost in him.

The way his hand was still on my waist, the way his eyes seemed to hold a million unspoken words, the way his presence made my heart beat faster.

 It was all overwhelming and exhilarating at the same time. My mind was racing with questions and doubts, but in that moment, all I could do was get lost in his touch and his gaze.

As I stood in front of him, I couldn't help but feel my heart flutter at the sight of him. 

I couldn't help but wonder what he was thinking, what he wanted to say. 

Did he feel the same way I did?

 Did he have any idea of the effect he had on me?

I tried to gather my thoughts. But in that moment, nothing  mattered. All that mattered was the intense connection between us.

His touch was like a magnet, drawing me closer to him. I found myself leaning in, wanting to be even closer to him.

 I could feel my heart beating faster and my cheeks flushing with color.

 I was both exhilarated and overwhelmed, unable to control my emotions around him.

He was the boy, I had crush on since highschool but that time I didn't now that that boy was him. Those eyes. It was the same, when I had the eyecontact with him at school.

He always used to wear a black mask. 

He then leaned in closer, his breath tickling my skin as he whispered, "I've been wanting to do this for so long." 

And before I could even comprehend what was happening, his lips were on mine, sending sparks of electricity through my body.

Time seemed to stand still as we kissed, everything else fading into the background. In that moment, it was just the two of us, lost in each other. A tingling sensation, somewhat, erupted in my stomach.

As we pulled away, I could feel my cheeks flush with heat and I couldn't help but smile at the pure joy and happiness radiating from him.

I was so flustered and into the moment that when the bell rang I was scared out of my skin. I bounced up as I closed my eyes and touched my chest to feel my heart pounding in my chest.

When I opened them back, he was gone..

I stood there confused and flustered as students ran past me to their respected classes. 

A smile appeared on my face after realizing what had happened. I touched my lips in happiness.

"I've been wanting to do this for so long.-" was the line that ran across my mind as I joined some of my math's class classmates in the run towards class.

"Hey Guys! Wait Up.." I yelled as I started running with them. They welcomed me warmly in the race to class.

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