Truth's Resurgence

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Alaric stood beneath the relentless sun, the scorching rays baking the earth.

His brow glistened with sweat as he practiced with his sword, each swing demanding unwavering vigor. The sun seemed to transform the metal into a fiery blade, and the sweat stung his eyes. With an exhausted sigh, he wiped the sweat away and began to perform the age-old four-step swordsmanship routine. These classical techniques, honed over the years, danced in harmony with the more recent skills he'd acquired.

In recent times, Alaric had come to appreciate the art of swift, lightning-fast movements. He had realized that agility, not raw power, was his greatest strength. Among the techniques he had grown fond of, the Coiling Snake stood out. A rapid step forward and a jab left his front exposed but granted exceptional distance, power, and speed. The entire morning had been dedicated to perfecting these powerful jabs, but his efforts yielded no visible improvement. Frustration welled up within him, and he let out a long, exasperated exhale.

Katherine, adorned in an elegant gown, reclined on a spread cloth on the grass nearby, her lunch spread out before her.

Her mouth full, she declared, "I've got this down."

Alaric raised an inquisitive eyebrow. "Is that so, princess?"

She snorted, rolling her eyes. "I've mastered the art of jabs."

"Care to demonstrate?" Alaric challenged with a grin.

"You're a big lug; this will be easy," she retorted.

"You think?" he replied.

Katherine stood up, spear in hand. "Twixe As, Alaric."

"Rest-Twixe As," he replied.

Without warning, she charged at him, her eagerness palpable. However, Alaric noticed a strange phenomenon. Each time he stepped onto the training ground, the world seemed to slow around him. It felt as if his very core was aiding him, infusing him with energy, and enhancing his reflexes. This newfound perception allowed him to effortlessly evade every strike and counter without exhausting himself. He yearned to try the jab technique on Katherine, but he held back to avoid harming her, knowing that she was in a good mood.

Alaric extended a weak jab, intending for a light poke to end the bout. As he executed the move, Katherine's eyes remained locked on him. Her polearm swiftly rose, perfectly in sync with his attack, and their weapons clashed briefly.

Alaric narrowed his eyes, puzzled by her speed. He attempted to jab again, but she was even faster this time. Alaric skillfully sidestepped her attack and attempted a slashing strike, but it felt as if his blade encountered an impenetrable wall. Katherine, hovering above him, swiftly pierced his back with her weapon, leaving him defeated.

"How did you do that?" he exclaimed, bewildered.

Katherine nodded and said, "I harnessed my core. You need to incorporate it into your techniques."

"But you seemed to teleport! That's not a fair win," Alaric protested.

Raising an eyebrow, Katherine replied, "What do you mean? It was just me and my polearm."

Alaric clicked his tongue in frustration, trying to make sense of what he had felt during the fight.

"I can't use my core against you. It's just some magic that I feel. It's hard to describe."

Katherine looked more confused than him, "What? A passive?"

"I feel faster in combat," Alaric admitted.

"You sure it's not adrenaline?" She asked.

He shook his head. Katherine put a hand to her face in thought.

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