Chapter 61

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I opened my eyes to see the fermiler void that I would go when training with Yukine. It had changed since when I was training. Now the ground was frozen over with hard ice instead of water; and now seemed to have an addition of what looked like a sakura tree. the flowers seemed to be frozen keeping it in an eternal bloom. I stare up at it. There were still many blossoms yet to bloom. A warm voice that had a hint of humor spoke out. 

"I like what you've done with the place, it's much less dreary." 

I turned to face the grinning man.  


He pouted. 

"you still insist on calling me that even though you now know the truth?" 

I chuckle rather humorously. 

"Why didn't you tell me? Why didn't the stupid tengu tell me?!" 

I shouted the last sentence. I was feeling so many different emotions that I didn't even know which to focus on first. I was angry, sad, frustrated, happy and.... betrayed? 

"Why didn't you tell me?" 

He opened his mouth to speak but I interrupted him before he could say anything. 

"No. Don't answer that, I didn't believe you when you tried. that one was on me, but the old tengu could have told me! Why would he keep something so important from me?! Stupid old man?!" 

I felt tears beginning to fall from my eyes, sliding down my face. I felt a pair of arms wrap around me tightly. 

"It's okay, it's okay... let it all out..." 

his voice was soothing with so much care. 

"The blame partly falls on me. I took one last mission before I was to buy yuriko's freedom, but I failed and died. But before I did, she and I both made the decision if anything were to happen to us then we would send you to Sokonji. We both agreed to limit information for fear if something were to harm you. It wouldn't be the first time a Hashira's child had been kidnapped to use as a bargaining chip or just a target in general. We didn't know you would be a seer but it seems as though our caution didn't  go to waste. but it did cause you pain too. For that, I'm more sorry than words can ever express. As for Sokonji... knowing him, he would no doubt have told you if you asked him who your father was. He was most likely waiting for you to ask him. He was probably keeping his silence according to our wish for keeping you safe." 

"I see. It's still frustrating though!" 

"That's a given. But I must admit, I'm relieved that the plan worked out in the end. I wouldn't have trusted anyone other than him or Yuriko to raise you correctly." 

He laughed at his own words and I couldn't help cracking a smile myself. 

"I miss mom." 

"I miss her as well." 

"Won't you be reunited with her though since she has also passed?" 

"I plan to... but I'm going to stick around a little longer, at least until the final battle has been won. I don't think I'll be able to rest in peace until I see the end of that monster." 

"So you're deciding to take up residence in my head?" 

"I suppose that's one way of looking at it. While it is your inner world, it's also a place of limbo of sorts." 

"In between life and death?" 

"Honestly not even I am completely sure. But one thing's for sure about this place..." 

TIME IS IRRELEVANT 🌸 Isekai Female Reader x VariousWhere stories live. Discover now