Chapter 21

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As usual I woke up before the two starting on the bentos. Only this time I didn't go back to sleep after making the bentos. I went straight into making breakfast. I was too agitated to go back to sleep knowing they might not come back. Trying to be as quiet as possible I begin my usual morning routine when making breakfast. Although after about half an hour someone joined me. 

"What are you doing up it's still dark." 

I jumped in surprise turning towards the voice hold up the cooking knife in defense. 

"Don't do that!" 

I whisper yelled. 

"I swear you're as bad as your students." 

I turn back around to cutting vegetables. 

"But to answer your question I couldn't sleep so I decided to do something productive." 

He looked around me at all the ingredients I'd taken out and different pots that were simmering on the fire. Finally his eyes landed on the two bentos that were stacked on the counter, they were bigger than the normal ones I usually make for them. 

"What's this?" 

I stopped cutting the vegetables looking down at them. 

"When I saw final selection I thought it'd probably be hard to find food while still watching out for demons. not to mention it'll probably take them a while to get there too. So I thought this would make things a little easier for them." 

I hold up two medium bags that are easily attachable to someone's belt. 

"I'm gonna give them these it has a small amount of medical supplies and some food." 

I look up at Urokodaki. 

"Please let me give it to them before they leave. I know it's a test for survival and skill but just this much is fine right." 

He was silent for a couple minutes before relenting. 

"Very well, that much should be fine." 

"Thank you I hug him tightly." 

He was a bit taken aback but relaxed and patted me on the back. Not too long after that sky began to lighten and noise from the other room was heard. Sabito and Giyuu came out wearing their new yukatas I made them. I grin at my work satisfied that it came out well. Urokodaki looked at me. 


He just shook his head turning to sit down by one of the trays I set out.  The rest of us sat down and began eating. Afterwards Sabito and Giyuu retrieved their swords from near the door, their masks tied to the side of their heads. We were all standing in front of the house. 

"Well we're off." 

"You've done well in your training and I'm proud of you both be sure to come back to us and remember what I told you." 

They both bowed. 

"thank you Master we promise we'll be back." 

Urokodaki patted both their heads before heading back inside. The two turned to me.

I hold out the bags and bentos I prepared for them. 

"Here I got these ready for you. inside is some food previsions and some medical supplies. And in here are some rice balls. I heard it takes a while to get to mount fujikasane. Also be sure to come back alive both of you." 

"we'll be fine you'll see y/n." 

"Giyuu's right And stop making that face we'll be back home before you know it." 

I nod trying my best to smile. 

"Now that's what we want to see." 

"Take care you both." 

I wrap my arms around them both tightly. They return the hug, staying this way for a couple minutes before letting go.  

"Alright we're off now." 

I nod. 

"Take care we'll be waiting for you both. And don't forget to send a crow after final selection to us." 

Their eyes fill with determination.  


And just like that they're off. I stood out there watching as they got smaller and smaller till I couldn't see them anymore. I turned heading back inside Urokodaki was sitting by the hearth. 

"They're gone?" 


There was silence for a while before Urokodaki broke it. 

"I know you're worried but they did train well; I have full confidence in their abilities. And with the warning you told me that I was able to give them I'm sure that they'll return." 

"Yeah you're probably right. I guess I'm just on edge until I see them myself again." 

I can't bare to see Giyuu in so much pain blaming himself over something that wasn't his fault. I keep the last sentence to myself though, I don't want to worry Urokodaki more than he already is. He may hide it well but I can tell deep down he was worried. I can't imagine what it must have been like with his previous students. It must have hurt terribly, yet he still pushed on and continued forward. Grief is not an easy thing. Rengoku senior was just one of many examples of what could happen. It's one of the things I admire about Urokodaki. Despite the pain he's endured he continues moving forward while still keeping those he cares for alive in his memory. 

"Your right...." 

I take a deep breath in then out before slapping my cheeks with my hands. 

"All right!" 

Urokodaki did a double take when seeing me do that. 

"No use sitting around moping. They wouldn't want that for us. I'm gonna head off to Ran's for something." 

"What might that be?" 

"Thread I kinda ran out when making the final selection yukata haha...." 

I laughed awkwardly as I scratched my cheek. He shook his head. 

"Are you planning on making something else." 

"Mhm I want to fix Giyuu's Haori and reinforce the inside. When he becomes a demon slayer it's likely he'll want to wear it with his uniform. It's kinda like a safety blanket for him. It's one of the reasons I made the new yukatas for final selection. I'm making Sabito a Haori too, since he doesn't have one yet. I don't want him getting cold when off slaying demons. But I need the thread to make both." 

Urokodaki nodded his approval. 

"Is there anything we need while I'm out." 

"Maybe some more stationary and ink." 


I grab the basket I used when going to the village. I slip on my geta opening up the door. Before I go I look back. 

"I'm off I'll be back later." 

"Take care and be safe." 


I leave out the door making my way to the village.

I love your guys's comments! They definitely keep me motivated! And thank you so much for reading this story!

TIME IS IRRELEVANT 🌸 Isekai Female Reader x VariousWhere stories live. Discover now