Chapter 33

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I got up the next morning, feeling excited and nervous. It would be the first time Kyojuro would eat anything I made. Usually we would get food at one of the stands from town and bring it to where we train. But this time was different. I don't know why, but I felt somewhat vulnerable; perhaps it's because I know how much he loves good food. Even though I know it's silly to worry about it. Considering that kyo would probably eat whatever is made for him. no matter how bad it would taste or if it could potentially make him sick, just for the fact it was made with care.

It's something I find both sweet and worrisome, in case at some point he really would get sick from something in the future. But sickness aside because of that it just made me want to make sure it tasted even better. I finished making Urokodaki breakfast leaving it by the hearth before slipping out the door. Once outside I whistle. not even a few minutes later I hear the slow flapping of wings. Chitose all but stumbles as he landed on my head. He gave something akin to a yawn before speaking.

"My lady it's still quite early, maybe you should wait a bit longer."

"Sorry chitose but I'm to restless. On the bright side though I'll be walking this time so perhaps you can take a nap while we make our way there. After all you seem to have already made yourself comfortable."

It was true the crow was already roosted on her head wings folded.

"I'll take your up on that my lady."

After chitose tucked his head under his wing falling back asleep, I continued on down the road. I was half way there when I began to feel hungry. I'm glad I had the foresight to at least pack a snack. Things were just beginning to pick up as I arrived at the field. Chitose had now woken up and was gliding above me. I took seat on the ground setting down the bundle of food next to me. I lay back looking up at the clouds trying to discern different shapes as I waited. Not to long after I heard the sound of footsteps running towards me a head popped into my view only a few inches from my own, owl like eyes staring down at me.


I blink a couple times.


on instinct I sat straight up in surprise banging our four heads together.

"OWWW! that hurt..."

Kyojuro bent over slightly.

"oh my gosh kyo! I'm so sorry, are you ok!?"

"Yeah, I'm fine don't worry about it. it was my fault for surprising you like that."

"Yeah but still..."

"I'm fine, I'm fine. Besides this isn't the worst hit I've taken from you."

we both chuckle at that.

"I suppose you're right."

"Anyway look!"

he holds up a bundle.

"What's that?"

"I got a blanket for us to sit on and some ramune!"

"That's great thinking, I totally forgot about that."

we set out the blanket spreading it out under the tree. I unpacked the food setting it on the blanket. Kyojuro's eyes zeroed in on the pie, I could see his hand going in slow motion towards it.

"Hold it!"

his hand stopped.

"I said yesterday that it was a desert dish, we'll have that after our lunch."

his eyes widened as I put one of the bentos I made in front of him.

"You made this?!"


TIME IS IRRELEVANT 🌸 Isekai Female Reader x VariousTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon