Chapter 50

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Tamari balls broke through the walls shattering everything that came in contact with. 

'Crap this isn't good!' 

"Ms. Tamayo is there any safe place to put the lady from earlier where she'll be safe?!" 

"We have a basement downstairs." 

"Perfect. Tanjiro I'll need you to help me take care of whatever guests we have, Nezuko I need you to take the lady from earlier down to the basement you think you can do that?" 

"Mmm! Mmm!" 

She nodded her head jumping into action. 


"Tanjiro she'll be fine I promise, right now though I'll need you to focus here and now." 

"R-right sorry nee san." 

"It's fine, I understand your concern but the sooner we deal with this situation the sooner we'll be out of trouble." 

Nee san is right I have to focus, she's never been wrong before and Nezuko's a demon now she can hold her own. 


"You'll be able to hit the tamari away if you fallow the arrows." 

"What arrows?" 

"Yushiro we're unable to see them if you can-" 

"fine, I guess I have no choice!" 

He threw two talisman at each of us. Each of them sticking to our four heads finally allowing us to see the arrows that were plastered all around the room. 

"Thanks Yushiro!" 

Just then another wave of tamari balls rained down on us. This time tanjiro managed to draw our swords cutting them if they got too close. Yushiro wasn't so lucky as his head got smashed by one of the tamari. 


"We'll be fine we're demons, this won't kill us. Worry about the enemies in front of you." 


I could understand Tanjiro's hesitation considering how that hit would have killed any human instantly; but Yushiro was already healing and it wasn't a pretty sight. 

"Tanjiro, listen I can take that tamari demon if you can take the arrow demon. My fighting style isn't as flexible as yours so you'll have a better chance with the arrow demon." 

"Got it! Keep Tamayo and Yushiro safe!" 

"Roger that!" 

We split up to take on each of our targets. 

"Alrighty it's all over for you! How lucky you are getting to be killed by one of the twelve kizuki!" 

"Heh, I wouldn't be so sure!" 

Right as the tamari was close enough I sliced it in half with my sword. Stepping forward into the moonlight. 

"You're not the slayer that wears hanafuda earrings." 

"No I'm not, he will be battling your companion so you'll have to just settle for me." 

"It's too bad I would have wanted to take off that head of yours and bring it to him but he seems to want you alive." 

I frowned. 

'He already has his sights set on me, what a pain.' 

I hear Yushiro from behind me. 

"Girl if those really are part of the twelve kizuki keep your guard up, they're more powerful than any other demon you've faced so far!" 


TIME IS IRRELEVANT 🌸 Isekai Female Reader x VariousWhere stories live. Discover now