Chapter 18

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The new day came and I got up right before dawn. To put my original plan into motion for the adjustments for their training. Just because Sabito fucked up doesn't mean Giyuu should have to suffer for it. And who knows maybe the difference in treatment will get it through his head faster. 

I was making rice balls for a breakfast on the go. After making it I'm gonna go back to bed. From tonight onwards I'll make the bentos before bed and leave them out for them to take to training. That was my plan from the beginning so they could eat. I finished making the bento leaving a note that had Giyuu's name. I know this is petty, but sometimes petty is what it takes. I'll make more of a list of things I can make that will be good for lunches, but for now I'm going to bed.


Sabito and Giyuu woke up bright and early for training. On their way out Giyuu saw something sitting by the hearth. He went over seeing a small bento wrapped up with a note on it. Picking it up he headed back to Sabito. 

"What's that?" 

"I'm not sure but it had a note with my name on it." 

Once they were outside they opened the note.

Dear Giyuu,
I'm giving you the mandatory adjustments to your training in this bento. From now on I'll be making these until your training is over. Or until you start doing something different. Good luck!

Don't give any to Sabito! He needs to repent and apologize before I start doing anything for him. If you do give him some you'll be joining him in his punishment. And I WILL know if you do. And Sabito I know your reading over Giyuu's shoulder, know that I mean everything I said in this letter. Good luck with training.

They both look at the bento. Giyuu unwraps it taking off the lid. Inside were a bunch of rice balls. 

"Oh that's nice of her..." 

Sabito's hair hung over his eyes casting a shadow over his face. Giyuu took one of the rice balls out closing the box and started chewing on it as they walked up the mountain. 

"Hey Giyuu do you think-" 


"I didn't say anything yet." 

"Yeah but I know what you were gonna ask and the answer is no." 

"Come on. She'll never know." 

Giyuu stopped looking at him. 

"Normally I would but, I don't want to face her wrath. Besides you're in the wrong for saying that stuff to her it was mean and undermining especially with all the help she's given us. Not just in training but in support and everyday life. Not very manly to disregard all that for the sake of pride. If anything we should be more thankful to her. I doubt we would have gotten as far as we are now in such a short amount of time. And she's never once asked for anything in return, you should think about that. Also you think she won't know but she will. I don't know how but she will, it was the same with my sister. Somehow they always know." 

After that discussion the two continue to walk up the mountain in silence. He knew Giyuu was right and should own up to it. but it still annoyed him.


Later that day the two boys returned home to find Urokodaki and Y/n sitting by the hearth. In the recipients usual spots were trays of food. Well, except for one... 

"hey where's mine?" 

Y/n sat behind her tray looking towards Sabito. 

"I thought made it quite clear; you'd be taking care all of your own chores of course that includes cooking. Thank you for the food." 

She picked up her chopsticks and began eating. Sabito went to the kitchen seeing some pots on the stove taking a look inside to see if there was any leftover. There was not. He began looking around the kitchen finding some fruit and dried meat he took that and began munching.

Once Sabito left the other two looked at the girl. 


"How long will you be doing this? Urokodaki and I both know you made extra for him." 

I stiffed slightly being called out but decided to ignore it and focus on the main question. 

"Until he cracks, man's up and apologizes. Then he can join Giyuu's training adjustments which I'm guessing he already knows from the note." 

I look at him. He nods. 


"it shouldn't take long. Well he seemed to be doing some self reflecting when we were training. He probably will apologize tonight at the latest." 

Giyuu looked up at the sealing. Y/n has always been his weak spot and his strength.


Later that evening the boys came back from training. Sabito stubbornly stumbled through the door as Giyuu walked in behind him, putting the bento on the small table Yn designed them for. Once again only three trays were out. Sabito slumped over groaning. Okay yes Giyuu was right. Urokodaki was right.  y/n was right! 


Yn looks over at him from where she sat. 

"I'm sorry I didn't mean all that stuff I said. I should've listened without interrupting. You do do a lot for us and we don't appreciate it as much as we should. I wasn't being very manly when I said all that stuff. I'm really sorry." 

He bowed his head to the ground. 

"I think we both got a little heated in the moment. I shouldn't have said that you and Giyuu were looking like twigs sorry about that." 

I look over to Giyuu who shrugged. 

"So does that mean I can have your cooking again."

"Yes, as long as you join Giyuu in the new adjustments for training." 

"Deal! And I swear as a man I'll never undermine you or what you do again." 

I get up from where I'm sitting heading into the kitchen. I rummaged around to the place where I hid his leftover food along with making up the tray with tonight's dinner. Coming back I see Sabito sitting in his usual spot. I set the tray in front of him. He stared the amount of food in amazement. Giyuu broke the silence. 

"She still cooked for you even though you were being stubborn." 

Sabito turned his head to me, I simply looked down at my food and continued eating. 

"You didn't need to tell him that Giyuu." 

Sabito's lips twitched up at that. I finish eating my food and bring the tray back in the kitchen. Along the way I pick up the bento Giyuu left out to wash with the other dishes. She began to make some food for the two boys bentos. Finishing up quickly she took two extra bentos filling them up and wrapping them. She placed them on the counter leaving them for the boys.

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TIME IS IRRELEVANT 🌸 Isekai Female Reader x VariousWhere stories live. Discover now