Preparing For The Brides

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Lucifer: (tenderly) Always, my dear. Now, we wait about an hour before the ceremony begins. Take this time to gather your thoughts and emotions. And remember, I'll be right here, every step of the way.

Charlie: (gratefully) Thank you, Dad. I couldn't ask for a better father.

Lucifer: (smiling) And I couldn't ask for a better daughter. Now, let's make this day one to remember.


Meanwhile, downstairs, the wedding cake is brought into the kitchen as Odette analyzes it until she is interrupted by her mother.

Odette: (surprised) Mother, what are you doing here? You're supposed to be in the reception area.

Carmilla: (calmly) Well, I was bored, and I decided I wanted to check on my youngest child.

Odette: (smiling) Well, everything seems to be going smoothly here. The cake looks amazing, doesn't it?

Carmilla: (nodding) It does indeed. You've done a splendid job with the arrangements, my dear.

Odette: (grateful) Thank you, Mother. I wanted everything to be perfect for Charlie and Vaggie.

Carmilla: (softly) I know, sweetheart. And I'm sure it will be. They deserve all the happiness in the world.

Odette: (hesitant) Mother, can I ask you something?

Carmilla: (encouraging) Of course, dear. You can ask me anything.

Odette: (nervously) Well, it's just... I've been thinking a lot lately about my future and what I want out of life. And, I was wondering if... if you ever regretted the choices you made, having me and Clara, about being a weapons dealer.

Carmilla widens her eyes at her youngest daughter as flashes strike her mind like how she struck her son down.

Voice: (pleading) Mom, please, what you're doing is wrong, think about what will happen to-

Suddenly, Carmilla tears up and turns away from her daughter, remembering how Carmilla stabbed Odette's brother in the heart and killed him.

Odette: (concerned) Mother...

Carmilla: (calmly) I'm fine, dear. It's just a bad memory I'm remembering.

Odette: (defeated) I know the feeling.

Carmilla: (regretful) Odette, there are many things in my past that I regret deeply. But having you and Clara was never one of them. You two are the brightest lights in my life, and I would do anything to ensure your happiness and safety. As for my choices as a weapons dealer... well, let's just say I've learned that power and ambition can come at a great cost.

Odette: (sympathetic) I understand, Mother. And I'm grateful for everything you've done for us.

Carmilla: (tenderly) I just want you to follow your heart, Odette. Don't make the same mistakes I did. Find your own path, one that brings you joy and fulfillment.

Odette: (determined) I will, Mother. And I promise, I'll make you proud.

Carmilla: (smiling) You already have, my dear. Now, let's finish up here and make sure this wedding is everything Charlie and Vaggie dreamed of.

Carmilla leaves her daughter on the verge of tears as Odette watches her depart, her heart heavy with emotions.

Carmilla: (in Odette's head) Don't make the same mistakes I did.

Odette: (whispering) I'm afraid I already have, Mother...


Meanwhile, Vaggie, dressed in a suit, readies herself as she tries to remember her vows until she is interrupted by her former excited superior and rival landing on the balcony.

Vaggie: (guarded) Lute, I didn't think I would see you today.

Lute: (calmly) Listen, I'm not here to join you for your big day for obvious reasons, but Velvette persuaded me to get you a little wedding gift, a peace offering to put the past behind us.

Vaggie eyes Lute warily, unsure of her intentions but curious about the peace offering.

Vaggie: (skeptically) What kind of peace offering?

Lute reaches into her pocket and pulls out a small box, offering it to Vaggie with a tentative smile.

Lute: (earnestly) It's something I thought you might appreciate. A token of goodwill, if you will.

Vaggie hesitates for a moment before cautiously accepting the box and opening it. Inside, she finds a beautifully crafted necklace adorned with intricate designs.

Vaggie: (surprised) Wow... it's... it's beautiful.

Lute: (softly) I know we've had our differences in the past, but I genuinely want to bury the hatchet and move forward. Velvette helped me see that.

Vaggie looks up at Lute, seeing sincerity in his eyes that catches her off guard.

Vaggie: (hesitant) Thank you, Lute. I... I appreciate the gesture.

Lute: (smiling) You're welcome. And I hope today brings you and Charlie all the happiness in the world.

Lute turns to make her exit...

Vaggie: (curiously) Just wondering, are you and Velvette... you know?

Lute: (calmly) Velvette and I are close friends, that's all. Besides, you know my former standing on same-sex relationships.

Vaggie: (calmly) That's how true love starts.

Lute rolls her eyes before flying away, leaving her former rival to marry the princess of Hell, as Lilith watches from the garden, seeing Lute fly away.

Lilith: (sternly) Better watch your back, Lute. Let's hope you don't find out about my presence, or I'll have to silence you like I did so many others.

Hazbin Hotel - The Rebirth Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora