Chapter 66: Settlement

Start from the beginning

I couldn't blame him. 

I pinched my eyes closed, and tears started falling like a waterfall. 

How could I resolve this? What would my life be like again after this?

And to be honest, what hurt more was my dignity. It had left the deepest scar inside me because I didn't think this matter could be healed. He knew the thing that I was afraid of the most when people knew. Something that I wish I could bury in the deepest part of the part of the earth's crust. 

My body started trembling. I was actually scared. 


I was startled when I heard Jihoon's voice, and quickly I wiped away my tears with my sleeves. 

I turned my head to the back to look at him. 

"Mom, the food is getting cold." 

"Oh," I quickly got up.

"What are you doing on the grass?" asked Jihoon.

"I-I was-I. It's comfortable to sit there, taking in the fresh air," said I. 

"But aren't you getting Dad? Where is Dad?" asked Jihoon, and he turned his head around to look for Eunwoo. 

"Yeah, yeah. I just talked to him, and he said he had to go somewhere." 

"Um?" He looked very confused. 

I walked towards Jihoon and held his shoulders. "Let's eat together first. Dad will get home very late tonight. He's eating  outside,"  said, slowly pushing him inside. 

Then I closed the door, and he went to sit at the dining table. 

I went to scoop rice into two bowls and then brought them to the dining table. 

I sat beside Jihoon. I put some soup and chicken in his bowl and then in mine. 

Jihoon started enjoying his meal.

I stared at the meal. I was actually losing my appetite, and I couldn't help but feel like I wanted to cry over that thing. But I couldn't do that in front of Jihoon.

Jihoon realized you hadn't touched her food yet, and he asked, "Mom, why don't you eat yet?"

"Oh, I am going to," said I, and I took the chopsticks. I started digging for food. 

I was still bothered by that thing. 

Instead of eating, I felt more like shoving the food inside my throat. 

I started to feel nausea. I immediately put down the chopsticks, got up, and went to the sink to throw out the food in my mouth. I could not swallow it. 

I coughed. My face started reddening because some got me choking. 

I pushed the tap water open to wash away the mess. And then, I washed my mouth. 

I stared at the running water in the sink. Its sound—I didn't know why, but it made my heart break.

I could no longer hold the burst in my chest, and tears started rolling down my throat tremendously. The least I could do was keep myself from making the sound. 

Jihoon was watching Y/N. He didn't dare ask her since she looked so bad. 

I realized Jihoon had been watching me cry. I quickly tried holding it and sniffing away my tears.

After that, I walked to Jihoon, and he quickly turned his head forward and continued eating.


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