35. Proof

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K agreed to help even though we probably get him to do it against his will but still.

He wanted to be a part of this too only to understand Sunoo's pain. I've told him the story about it. I knew he had a soft spot of Sun since he knew about the break up too.

But I don't know anything about the sedative. Is it even the same sedative that will lose the memory for only a few months.

"HeeSeung, may I speak to you for a moment?" He looked at me then JungWon. There was really something weird about those two and I can feel it.

HeeSeung's eyes looked like he was asking permission to JungWon. And of course, my instincts were right. He nodded at him before HeeSeung came walking to me.

"What's up?" I couldn't get in my head the fact that he had to do it but I didn't have time for that now.

"Look, I want to know what the sedative does." He smiled at me as if it was a relief that it was something else.

"It might sound like I don't trust you but..." I couldn't let it out. It was too sensitive for me to talk about. "What is it?" He asked, concerned.

I tried to pick up the courage to talk to him until then. "I just don't want anyone getting hurt."

He smiled at me before he patted my shoulder, "Don't worry, I have another sedative that will reverse the Vial. No one will get hurt." He said before he led me towards the table where JungWon was.

He smiled at me before going to reassure K because hell he was getting nervous.

"Look, this is the sedative that I have. This will wipe out all of your memories."

"What do you mean by that?"

"The memory limit reaches childhood or when you have senses." I was dumbfounded as I looked at the vial.

They have to be insane to make this. "The worst part about it is that they were preparing a stronger one than this." He says as he held a syringe.

"Forgetting how to talk or speak. Heck even walk. "

"More like Brainwashing them."

"Exactly." HeeSeung said as he got the sedative to the syringe.

"I only used a drip, because every single drop cost a few years of lost memories." He explained as he walked towards K.

"Don't worry, if you don't shoot the Antidote to him for at least 24 hours," he started before preparing to inject K, who was going along the sleeping gas. "His memories will be wiped out... permanently."

I watched as HeeSeung pushed the liquid to K's body. It was painful to watch if it is done by someone who's not you.

"Let him dissolve it first." He said and we waited. Every minute of it made me think about Sunoo.

It did bother me. I just didn't know how to express it. I knew JungWon felt it too. Jake's mom was crazy. I don't know how she got into our heads and actually made us do these things.

But trust me, i wish This couldn't happen to anyone.


As I got all our things in the rooms, upstairs, I laid down the bed and sighed deeply.

"You sure didn't need my help."

"Oh please, I know you won't help me anyway." He hummed before he walked towards me.

"You're right." Ridiculous Jake.

Everything that he does makes me want to jump on him. But that's going too far. I wanted to make him feel special and get the things out of his head.

Therefore, You're Still Mine//JakeHoon(hoonjake) AUWhere stories live. Discover now