21. Hug

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Jake's POV, 2 days later

It has been 2 days since the trip to the market. I couldn't get the woman from the market out of my mind. She looked very familiar yet I can't figure it out.

"How's relapsing doing for you?" I heard Ej say as he peeked at the door. I sighed as I sat up.

"Horrible." Ej pouted as I did before he came inside the room then sitting down next to me.

"I told you, thinking about it won't make a change... Well... It kinda did." He said as he looked around the room.

I'm leaving in 15 hours and I haven't gotten anything ready so I was in panic. But I kept relapsing that I took a rest before I even started packing.

I was a mess.

"Do you need help?"

"No, I'm good." I said as I breathe in and out before diving into packing.

"Jake, what's wrong?"

"Nothing's wrong. There's just a lot of things to do."

"There are but you have not finished atleast one of them." He says making me stop on what I was doing.

"You're most likely to be pacing around the room instead of packing your bags." I sighed as Ej was right. I put down my things and sat down next to Ej who gave me space to sit.

"What's wrong, jake? Something is bothering you." Ej asked in sincerity. I then leaned on his shoulders, getting comfortable before I answered.

"I'm lost." I said before sighing.

"I have no idea why I'm doing this." I started. "I don't even know if I should ask you about this knowing you won't answer me in any way."

I felt him tilt his head then rest it on mine.

"Please answer me this once, Ej." I said as I sat up once again to face the other. "I want to know the truth."

"I thought you knew already."

"It wasn't enough. I told you that day, I met Someone. Someone who makes SungHoon's eyes soften and also makes him glare at the same time. Someone who I met at the wedding. For some reason it bothers SungHoon so much that his mood turned grey. I just couldn't understand."

I then put my hand on his then looked back at him. "You might know the reason, hm? Can you tell me?"

I knew for a fact Ej will not give in especially in this case. I've told him everything about my life that I knew that he knows me more than myself. But with so many things that I've done in my life, I've told him to not remind me of everything.

Even in times where I didn't want to remember SungHoon's existence.

"But I promised-"

"You don't have to keep that promise. For now..." I said holding his hand tight.

"Please Ej, enlighten me." He sighed then closed his eyes as I spoke.

"Fine. However, this takes time. I will tell you everything. But we need you to pack first." He said as he stood up, offering a hand so I could stand.

"Don't worry. I will tell you everything as we pack." I smiled at Ej as I took his hand and stood up. Then I straight up hugged him as I happily squealed.

"Thank you."

Kai's POV

"No way."


Ningning and I met at the end of the day after my mv shooting. BeomGyu had to go home and dropped me to NingNing's office before he left the building and here we are catching up about what has happened.

"Maybe you're just being delusional."

"Don't tell me if I'm delusional or not when someone who literally slept with me has a fiance and is saying these stuff!" I argued.

"... Are you flattered by his words?"

"What?" That question caught me off guard that I turned my head so fast, I almost broke my neck.

"Mm, that reaction says otherwise." She said as she drank her coffee.

I rolled my eyes and leaned on the couch with my hand on the arm of that couch and rested my chin on my hand.

"Then why does it bother you?" She asked which made me think. There was one and only reason, that he slept with me.

I'm no side chick and I will never be after what happened to me. I feel very bad and it haunts me every night as Beomgyu drops me off the apartment.

The worst part is that Hiyyih will give me side eyes and smirk as I say bye to him.

"I-I... Ugh, I have no idea." I said as I stood up and paced around the room. Trying to get rid of the feeling.

"Don't you think— I don't know, you might've developed some feelings for him?" She slowly said the last part with so much hesitation, I rolled my eyes at that.

"Please, who would care?"

"I would."

Moments from before started to bother my head again. I just couldn't understand how he could stare at me with such sincerity and say that stuff to me as if I should be hearing it everyday.

It's not that I don't like it. It felt nice when someone noticed small things about you just like how he did. It felt wrong, I know. But could you blame me.

God I'm such an idiot.

I bang my forehead to the table and continue to do so until ningning stopped me.

As she raised my face up to look at her, I spoke. "I-I'm sorry Ning. I think you're right." With that I felt my face heat up and felt my nose run.

"Maybe I did develop feelings." I babbled as She pulled me for a hug, caressing my hair and shushing me as if I'm a baby.

"And it feels so wrong." I added before hugging her tightly.

I didn't know what came up to me to finally admit that I do have special feelings for him.

With his life and mine combined, it will be a disaster. Gosh imagine their wedding. I'd be sick to my stomach, not the fact that he will get married to someone else and not me.

But for thinking I home-wrecked someone else's relationship which just happened to me. I felt disgusted of my self.

Therefore, You're Still Mine//JakeHoon(hoonjake) AUWhere stories live. Discover now