28. They won't see us

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Jake's POV

We were now walking around towards the Sydney Opera House. It'll be awhile to get there. Now I hate the journey to go there, not because I'm walking with SungHoon. But because he bought out an outfit so that we can match.

You might be thinking, it will be easy to just change right? I have luggage that has my own clothes in it.

Uh, no. Because for some reason, we were in a hurry and had to rush so that we could see the scene in a beautiful afternoon.

Basically saying, My brother made me wear it. The only good thing about this is that I'm wearing a mask.

Great, right?

"Did you like the outfit?" He asked and I know he had a teasing smile on his face as he said it. I just didn't want to turn around and see it.

"I don't think it's necessary to talk about it."

"I think it looks good. With a shirt printed out as 'A husband to a Husband'."

"And you had a good idea to print out another shirt that said 'I'm the husband'?" I snickered and walked faster farther away from him. But he kept following me.

"Why are you here anyway? Aren't you supposed to be rehearsing for a concert?" He gave me a chuckle which was the most dreadful sound I've heard in awhile.

"Our first stop will be here. I just went a little early."

"Was it really necessary?"

"Mother did say she wanted to see us together. Why won't you fulfill that?"

"Because I know there's going to be some hard core news that will come out of her delicate mouth that would lose my sanity." I said as I walked pass him. With all the respect I still have for Mother, it's the least that I can do.

I can't argue with her anyway. Mother is really unreasonable. She won't stop until she gets what she wants. Even if it means ruining someone else's life.

"Has she ever came out with a hard core news to the point you will lose your sanity?" He said teasingly. I sighed before rolling my eyes at him. How could he be so dense.

"Let me list it for you since you are that dumb to remember." I said as I turn to look at him. I took a deep breath before speaking, "The sudden Engagement party announcement that literally came out of no where, The wedding itself, the wedding party for my brother, my sudden inheritance and that after party that a happened a few months ago."

I said, in one breathe before breathing in, "Got anything else to add?" All he did was chuckle and I knew he wasn't taking this seriously.

"If you're not going to take this seriously, then don't talk to me."

"Actually, Jake, I've been meaning to tell you something important."

"I bet it is." That's when he suddenly pull my arm to turn to him. It wasn't that hard to the point it hurt. As I saw the look on his face, I didn't know if he's serious or he's playing with me.

It's not easy to just read his expression especially when he's good at fooling someone like Mother. I knew that there's something more to his expressions but this, I somehow couldn't see anything from it.

It was as if he doesn't want me to read it.

"I just want you to trust me first." I rolled my eyes before crossing my hand around my chest.

"How?" He slowly went for my hand, hesitantly holding it. My eyes followed his every move. I didn't let go because I wanted to see what he wants to do.

His eyes were on me as soon as I looked up at him. Which I suddenly realized, what if people recognized us?

Why think about it now?!

"I'll take you out... Hm?" He said as he locked eyes with me before he slowly pulled his mask down and pulled my hand to his lips.

I felt myself blush at that move. I knew that he knew I will give in because I always do. "I promise, I'll take care of you. I'll make up for what I didn't do."

And he isn't wrong cause the next thing I knew, I was nodding my head without hesitation. I felt disappointed in myself as I gave in.

"People can see us you know."

"Don't worry, I'll make sure they won't know it's us." He said it in such sincerity that I can't believe I trusted it. I knew deep inside me will regret the moment this ends. Knowing SungHoon who was been playing with me our whole marriage, theres always this feeling of distrust.

And I always feel it that way with SungHoon.

"Look back." He said before I snapped my head to my back and realize my family was nowhere to be seen.

My blood drained from my body as soon as I saw none of my family going ahead of us.

He definitely planned this.

"Before you get mad at me, All I plan on doing was talk to you as we walk with them."

"So you're saying they planned this?"

He just shrugged his shoulders and turned me around to face the front before we started walking again.

"Yep, even I didn't know about it." I just rolled my eyes as I imagined their faces when they left me with SungHoon.

This is gonna be a nightmare.

"So, where do you wanna go first?"

"Uh.. I don't know... Maybe the place where we were supposed to be."

"Sydney Opera House? Is that even a house?" Oh god he is killing me. I breathe in and out before turning back to him.

He smiled cheekily. "You know, you should really smile more. It matches your eyes."

"No thanks, I'd rather fart on a child than to smile at you."

"I didn't say you could smile at me. I just said you should just smile." I got annoyed and pushed him before walking away.

"Hey, where are you going?!"

"To find some peace!"

I said as I continued to walk away before he could even catch me. To the point where I started running.

Gosh where will I even end up after this.


This will start fresh btw ahhaha luvyu

Therefore, You're Still Mine//JakeHoon(hoonjake) AUOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant