22. Comittment

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Jake's POV

It's finally here, the day I'll leave the country. The members were ready to send me off but I was still waiting for someone before I leave.

"Still waiting for him?" Asked Someone, but as soon as I turned to look, I met with Jay and the rest of his members. But no signs of SungHoon.

"Yeah, kind of. I wanted to talk to him about something but I guess he's busy." I said with a grim face. I heard the other chuckled and patted my shoulder.

"He is busy but we're here on his behalf." He said before smiling, "Have a safe trip there, Jake."

I smiled back before saying, "Thank you."

"I hope you enjoy your stay there. I bet it'll be fun." Ni-ki butt in which made his members chuckle at that. For some reason, there was a meaning to that I was doubting they were up to something.

"I doubt that. Anyways, Jake, your flight." Ej reminded me which was about an hour. I quickly bid goodbye to everyone and didn't even bother to wait for sungHoon any more.

Which I thought he would at least say goodbye.

What a commitment.

Kai's POV

I woke up to bright sunlight bothering my eyes as I tried to open them. I realized the curtains were open and someone was sitting on the bedside.

"You're awake."

"Ugh~ it's too early." I groan as I tried to move to the other side of the bed. But was forced back down by that person who I still can't recognize.

"It's noon. Come on Kai let's go." As soon as I opened my eyes again. I met with the most energetic man in my life looking like a puppy smiling at me as I opened my eyes.

"You're gonna be late."

"It's my day off."

"Yeah and we're going out."

"Says who?"

"Me of course. Your one and only YeonJun."

He said as he got off the bed and proceeded to open my closet. I then saw a glimpse of BeomGyu across the room who looked like he was forced there.

I signalled him what he was doing here, which meant for YeonJun. And he answered me with a shrug. I rolled my eyes at him and slowly stood up as YeonJun picked an outfit for me.

"Where are we going anyway?"

"Out, I have a lot of things planned, just for the two of us. You don't mind not coming do you?" He said before pointing at BeomGyu. I looked at him, expecting him to say he does so that I won't have to go through the whole thing with YeonJun.

"I don't."

"Great! Kai, get up already and get dressed. We need to go." He said as he went out of the room excitedly.

As soon as he left, I got off my bed and went straight to BeomGyu. "Please tell me you're at least right behind us as we go through this day."

"You don't want to go?"

"Isn't it so obvious? I have a day off and I'm about to go out with someone who wants us to be alone. At least one of our managers should be there and you're here."

"So is his." I groan in frustration before looking away from him.

"I officially hate this day."

"Why can't you just tell him you don't want to go?"

"Then I will feel bad."

"Wow, I didn't expect you to feel bad at all. Considering the fact you want me there." He said as he walked towards me while I was glaring at him.

"Ugh it's killing me! what does it take for me to just be left alone?!" I whispered yell as I crumpled like a paper in the bed. I heard a sigh came out of him.

next thing i knew, i felt the bed sink and i looked up only to see him sitting on the bed beside me.

"What is it?"

"I'm just here to remind you." He said making me sat up on the bed. He smiled before put his hand on top of mine.

"You won't be left alone if you just wished for it. People will never leave you alone Kai." He said as he looked away. For some reason, his words felt as if it wants me to feel guilty. and he's even doing it whilst holding my hand.

I looked at our hands and i badly want to hold his back but i was holding it in. "Why not?"

I asked as I looked up at him, who slowly looked back at me with that smile.

"Cause you wished to be alone. Even if you think you got the chance to..." He paused before looking at our held hands. As I realized it, I tried to pull my hand away when he suddenly grabbed it before slowly intertwining our fingers together.

I felt my blood rush throughout my body, and it made me too slowly hold his hand to mine. The guilt I felt went from scared to calm. But I knew deep inside that it was wrong. I was stuttering and I couldn't form a word to him.

I looked up at him before he spoke, "... I'll just be stuck with you at the end of the day and before you start another."

I knew after he said that I will regret something after.

"Kai~! Are you dressed yet?!" YeonJun's voice made us both flinch into our spot. BeomGyu stood up and I tried to fix my posture as YeonJun came into the room.

"Oh, come on, I thought you're already dressed."

"I just had a talk with uh... my manager... about my schedule for next week."

"Oh... maybe he shouldn't be here then so that you can move quickly." He said as he looked at BeomGyu. He then looked at me and i really wished he would say something so that he wouldn't have to leave.

He just bowed at YeonJun and proceeded to walk out of the room. As soon as he left, I felt my heart drop to the ground. YeonJun grabbed my clothes and pulled me up from the bed.

"Come on, Stand up. Let's get you dressed." He said as he gave me my clothes which I quickly took from him.

"You know it's reasonable for both of us to talk, right?" I said, glaring at him as his back was turned.

"But it's your day off, why would you need to know about your schedule?"

If you knew it was my day off, then you couldn't have just bothered me.

I rolled my eyes as i groan to go to the bathroom before closing the door. As soon as the door was closed, i looked at my hand which was just held. I felt so down and was wishing for it to happen again.

But thinking and feeling this way will only make this worse for the both of us. So i tried not thinking about it by shaking my head violently and just go to this unplanned date with YeonJun.

Maybe that will get my mind off things.

Therefore, You're Still Mine//JakeHoon(hoonjake) AUWhere stories live. Discover now