16. Western Therabilia

Start from the beginning

Inquisitor Didar: Poriatia?

Poriatia lay just four days' journey from the capital city of Akromis, positioning it perilously close to the borders of Valardia. Upon receiving this alarming news, Inquisitor Didar wastes no time in seizing the missive retrieved from the fallen soldier and scanning its contents.

"Inquisitor Didar, I am Stork Frirt, Chief of the 1st Frontier Guard Division stationed at the border with the Valardian Empire. Only twelve soldiers, including myself, have managed to survive, thanks in part to the valiant efforts of the infantry battalion sent here. However, we have lost control of the Mulligan Mines, and Valardian forces are now advancing towards the city of Pantinaion, where I currently find myself.

Our reconnaissance teams report sightings of approximately 200 dragons and 3,000 to 4,000 ground forces comprising infantry, including 2,000 musketeers and swordsmen, alongside various siege weapons. Additionally, they have deployed what appears to be a long-range fire dust weapon.

We estimate that we will encounter them in at least—"

The letter abruptly halts, the ink trailing off mid-sentence, indicating that the city came under attack before Chief Frirt could finish his report.

Behind the paper, there is a drawing of a cannon used by valardia.

Inquisitor Didar: this is worse than I thought.

Minor priest: we must prepare the city in case of an attack.

Inquisitor Didar: how? Our entire army has been deployed in the northern frontiers, and the Western Therabilia treaty prohibits the increase of our military, if it wasn't for that fucking forgotten war we could resist longer against Valardia, and now our citizens are afraid of joining the military!

Minor priest: I will try to do everything I can to prepare the city.

Inquisitor Didar: Summon the Fulato immediately and instruct him to mobilize all our available forces. Ensure that the roads are kept clear for potential retreat. Open all the sanctuaries across the territory to provide shelter for our citizens. Dispatch orders for reinforcements and, if feasible, request additional forces to be deployed here to safeguard the city and the revered Mother shrine.

The minor priest promptly relayed the Inquisitor's commands to Fulato Autha, who wasted no time in issuing directives to every soldier within the city, as well as to reserve troops and volunteers. Additionally, messengers were dispatched via dragon to other cities in the remaining Akromian territories.

Unfortunately, due to the distance, some cities near the Valardian frontier were attacked before receiving the warning, resulting in the capture of several messengers after witnessing these cities fall under Valardian control. In response, Valardia forwarded the letters to the Akromis War Campaign's main base, where the warlord convened a council to strategize the protection plan for Akromis.

Warlord Æskil: any idea of how we can take the city of Akromis before these letters reach the nearby cities?

Captain: we can send dragon patrols across the roads to look for any messenger.

Lieutenant: I refuse, we will waste time, besides, we don't know to which cities these letters were sent.

General: if we look at the city's names on them?

Warlord Æskil: the letters don't have any name, they just say "to all city governors in the Patriarchy of Akromis"

Captain: then we should send some patrols to the cities to look how prepared they are, and to where we should start moving.

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