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Finally, with Ammi and Abba's (mother and father) blessings, I was standing in the City of Love- Paris. It was my dream to be a professional artist and watch the art galleries of Paris. I even wanted to display my art in one of Paris' art exhibitions some day. 

My aapa (elder sister) lives in Paris due to her work being here. So finally here I am. My aapa Aliya is three years older than me and if it wasn't for aapa's job here, I would have gone to some normal art university instead of Paris. Abba is quite overprotective over me and so he wouldn't let me even talk about going to Paris. 

I saw Aliya aapa standing in front of me waving her arm high up as I spotted her in the crowd. I too waved back and ran to hug her. She hugged me back with the same energy and broke the hug.

"I missed you so much aapa! How are you? Where are we gonna go now? When does my-"

"Ya Allah, let's first reach home then you ask me all the questions your little head has to ask."  She interrupted me and shut my mouth.

"My head is not small aapa. With this big and genius head of mine, I got my scholarship and finally reached Paris to complete my dream and live with youuu! How amazing is that?!" I joked.

"Ok ok yes you are a genius. Let's go home now, you must be tired." She hurried me to her car.

"I'm not tired aapa." She just face palmed and chuckled. 

Aapa had brought her amazing blue car and we reached her home. It was really pretty. She then showed my room and told that she had spent her maximum time in designing my room. It was filled with my favourite colour, blue. I just loved blue colour. I gasped and hugged her happily, thanking her. Then we decided to video call my amazing Ammi and Abba. They were so happy for me and relieved that I reached Paris safely. We spoke for some more time and hung up. 

I was really hungry and my excitement just increased when I saw that aapa had ordered pizzaaa!! Yum, and of course with extra cheese. (A/N: Shit, I'm feeling hungry now🤧)

Aapa told me to sleep cause we had to get up and go shopping and roam around. This just excited me more and all my sleep had vanished. But she was strict in what she told and I just sighed and agreed to my sister's irritating decision. I just set my dammit alarm and I swear when I jumped on the bouncy and comfy bed, I didn't know when I myself entered into the world of dreams.


I woke up before that god damn alarm. Ha! I knew I didn't need a shitty alarm for shopping day, especially now that I am in Paris. I jumped out of my bed and took a quick shower. I wore an ice blue crop top and black jean which went up to my ankles. I pulled my hair up into a high ponytail leaving a few strands touch my cheek. I sprayed my all time favourite perfume which smelled like chocolate. Fuck, I loved this scent.

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