The Final Chapter- Reborn Again

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Your Blood- Aurora

"I'm telling you, this is easier than it looks, you just focus on the target and flick your wrist when you throw it," Rowena explains, trying to teach Desire how to play darts.

"Give up already, it's a lost cause." Kai laughs from the bar, pointing at his empty glass as Jasper promptly refills it.

"Shut up, I can do this," Desire snaps defensively as she focuses on the board, steadying her hand and flinging the dart across the room. This time, she manages to nearly hit the bullseye.

"See, she's almost got it." Magnus chuckles as he leans against the counter "Just pretend you're trying to burn it and I bet your aim will be perfect." he laughs, and Desire seems to be on her last nerve.

"Easy girl," Rowena says as she rubs Desire's shoulders "If we know anything about boys, it's that they can't aim for shit."

"Excuse me?" Kai says offendedly "Is that a challenge?"

"Sounds more like an invitation." I laugh as I swirl my drink, glancing over at the chaos that is undoubtedly about to begin.

"Guys, I shut this place down so it would be ready for tomorrow. Don't wreck it please." Jasper pleads, but they all seem to be ignoring him.

"No promises," Rowena waves her hands in the air as Kai approaches her, hoisting her into the air.

"This better not be anything like the harvest festival, or you're going to need a whole cleanup crew." I laugh as I watch Desire chuck a dart at Kai, narrowly missing his face.

"Who's bright idea was it for you all to come back here tonight?" Jasper asks, and I can see his face sinking as Kai and Ro fall on a table.

"Yours," Magnus states as he downs a shot, burping as he sets the tiny glass down "You can't deny that you've missed this."

"The company, yes, the-" he suddenly cuts off as we hear a crashing sound behind us, which appears to be Rowena and Desire pinning Kai down to the ground while he kicks chairs over "I'm getting too old for this shit." he sighs.

"My dear, we all are," I laugh as I reach over the bar, grabbing a full bottle of wine and pouring myself a glass "but I say let them have their fun."

"Stop, stop!" Kai shouts, and I glance around the table to see Rowena tickling his feet.

"Okay, stop being gross." Magnus sighs, making his way over, picking up Rowena, and carrying her over to the bar.

"Hey, put me down!" she shouts as she flails, plopping down on a barstool "What the fuck, dude."

"I think we made our point," Desire states confidently as she waltzes over to us.

"What the hell kind of point was that supposed to be?" Kai asks offendedly as he climbs off of the ground. Rowena seems to think for a moment and shrugs.

"No clue, but we made it." she laughs, picking up her glass and clinking it with Desire's. Kai looks utterly defeated as he shuffles over, and Jasper pours him some moonshine.

"Girls are freaks," Kai sighs, taking a long swig of his drink.

"All the more reason to love them," Magnus chuckles, pulling on my side. Suddenly, we start to hear shuffling coming from the door.

"What the hell is that?" Rowena asks, glancing back as we see the lock come undone from outside.

"Hi, I'm sorry to bother you, but can I come in?" we hear a young woman's voice as the door slowly pushes open, and she peeks inside, her long blonde hair sweeping in like a curtain. She couldn't be any older than twenty.

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