Chapter 88- Even Sinners Have Hearts

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After helping me get changed out of what was given to me and back into my own clothes, my mother braids the front sections of my hair, pulling them back and tying them together to keep them out of my face. Looking in the mirror, I take a deep breath as I try to stay focused on what is expected of me.

"You look beautiful," my mom says warmly as she strokes my hair.

"Stop it," I sigh, rolling my eyes as I stand up "Let's go," I say half-heartedly, heading for the door.

"Sweetie," my mom begins worriedly "You don't have to do this if you're not ready," she explains, and I stop just before the door, gently touching the handle.

"If I waited until then, it would never happen." I state, pushing on the door "This is my burden to face, and no one else's."

"You've picked one hell of a time for a rebellious phase," my mom sighs, following me out "You're turning into me, and I don't say that as a compliment. Your father has a hard enough time dealing with my bullshit."

"Getting Daddy to put up with this plan is up to you, just help me find Lucius," I explain as we turn the corner at the bottom of the stairs. Taking a quick peek around, I hear Roxie's voice nearby "Do you think she'll go along with this idea? I'm guessing she has him locked up downstairs."

"Only one way to find out," my mother states, casually walking across the throne room to the hall. Anxious, I follow behind her, keeping my eye out for the others. The less people that know what we're trying to do, the less we'll have to convince that this is the right thing to do.

"Hey, look who's on her feet!" Roxie says happily, waving her advisors away as she reaches out and hugs my mother.

"Thanks," my mom chuckles, and Roxie suddenly looks skeptically between the two of us.

"Well, this can't be good." she sighs, crossing her arms "What the hell were you two talking about up there for so long and why does it look like you're about to do something incredibly stupid."

"We were having a heart-to-heart for once," I say defensively, and my mom holds her hand out.

"And it looks like we're about to do something stupid because we're planning to do something objectionably stupid." my mother states confidently, and I gawk at her in disbelief at the bold statement. Roxie seems judgmental for all but a second before it's taken over by sheer curiosity.

"Let me guess," Roxie says, tapping her chin sarcastically as she turns her attention to me "You want to go see him, don't you?"

"Yes," I admit, hoping to gain her approval "We have a theory about why he's blocking everyone out."

"It's because he wants to talk to you first," Roxie states as she turns around and walks down the hall.

"Wait, you knew?" I ask, quickly catching up to her.

"It doesn't take a genius to figure out that nothing else matters to him anymore. After that little stunt you pulled at the compound, it became clear how much he was willing to sacrifice for you." she explains as we continue down the hall "He came here willingly, but that didn't mean he had to die however we wanted him to. Instead, he's waiting for you."

"Well, that saves that explanation." my mom says in relief "But, do you think it's a good idea?" she asks, and suddenly Roxie stops in her tracks, causing me to slam into her back.

"Hey, what the fuck?" I say, rubbing my toes on my other leg.

"Alright, look," Roxie says doubtfully "You seem determined and I want to agree with you, but there's one thing I don't understand; why did he sacrifice everything just to save your life? Why were you more important?" she asks, looking at me curiously. Anxious, I look at my mom, hoping for a quick save.

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