Chapter 102- The Guiding Force

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 As I make my way through the halls, I pass the endless number of clean-up crew members doing their best to make the temple navigable again. The amount of reconstruction that is going to have to be done could take years, but that's nothing compared to the damage in the city. We haven't even been able to take a census yet, but the death toll is scaring me the more gossip floods in with the volunteers from town.

"Where's Arsen? I heard he needed to speak with me." I suddenly hear nearby, and as I turn the corner, I'm relieved to see a familiar face standing at the main entrance.

"Aunt Nanea?" I ask, and she seems excited when she sees me.

"Tessa!" she shouts down the hall, waving politely to the guard she had been speaking with as she comes to meet me, immediately hugging me tightly "I am so glad to see you, kiddo," she says in relief.

"Likewise," I state, hugging her back "How's everyone holding up?" I ask nervously as we start to walk down the hall.

"Brendan is taking care of everyone, and Alex is helping fix up the house. There was only some minor damage, so we got lucky," she explains exhaustedly "Aria has been spending time with Rynn to keep her spirits up, but she wants to come home to see Nixi." she sighs.

"Now that this is basically over, I think it's about time we tell her the truth." I sigh, taking her hand.

"Then what? The poor girl may have all of us, but she's going to feel lost. I've seen it happen before." she explains solemnly.

"Actually, that's probably why my father wants to speak to you," I state as we make our way toward the training grounds where Eli and my father have set up a new construction zone. As we step outside, I can already see the organization and progress that has begun overnight. It looks like they're planning to repurpose whatever they can, and Eli seems to be speaking with men who work in masonry.

"Uncle!" I shout across the way, and he looks over and acknowledges us as we approach him.

"Glad to see you're doing alright," Eli says as he reaches out to hug Nanea.

"It's honestly a miracle," she states "You look like you're busy, so I won't keep you, but have you seen your brother?" she asks curiously, looking around.

"He's down in the dungeons with Jasper," Eli states, scratching his head.

"What? Why?" I ask, confused.

"Think about it; without Gaia, all of those followers she gathered don't have a reason to be locked up anymore. They're consulting with the regular guards first and are going to wait for Roxie to make a firm decision, but there's no point in making those people wait any longer," he explains thoroughly.

"You have a point." I sigh, remembering the sheer quantity of followers that had been apprehended after the compound had been raided.

"What if they're brainwashed the way Gael controlled his people? Her death won't be the end of it if that's the case." Nanea states worriedly.

"Roxie doesn't want to have another repeat of last time if there's another option." he sighs, seeming to lose himself in a bad memory "She performed a mass execution when Iker reformed his cult because we couldn't reverse the hex he used, but this seems different. Calista seems to think that whatever compulsion they're under will fade when she passes." he explains.

"I hope so," I sigh, looking around at all of the new workers thinking about all of the innocent people who have already been affected by this.

"Tessa, aren't you supposed to be with Roxie?" Eli asks curiously.

"Right," I exclaim, remembering I need to tell her about Desire "I'm gonna head over there, I'll see you both later!" I shout as I dash back inside. I feel too scatterbrained today, there's too much to do. As I run through the halls, I dodge around guards and servants while jumping over the mess, doing my best to reach the sanctuary without biting the dust.

SURVIVE (THRIVE: Book Two)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora