Chapter 12- To Each Other

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As I wander down the hall, everything feels surreal. The place I had lived for generations was here, and my old life is seemingly about to resume. But, deep inside, it feels solemn and bittersweet. The more I ponder the idea of moving back in and once again be announced as royalty, the more my anxiety begins to make my heart race. How can I just leave Pearl and Aria behind? They're sisters to me, and no matter what happens next, they always will be. I had always wished to have siblings after watching Nathan and Scarlett all these years. The bond that they share is incredible, and special. I never thought that I would get to experience anything like that for myself, but this lifetime seemed to give me that gift. It's been a blessing, but now, it feels like a heavy weight on my shoulders.

"There she is!" I suddenly hear Desire shout from behind me. Next thing I know, she and Phoenix charge me head-on, tackling me to the ground. Now that I think about it, I guess they have always been like siblings to me too.

"Welcome back, Breezy!" Phoenix shouts as they both hug me tightly.

"Well hello to you too." I grumble as I try to breathe "It's Tessa now, jackass. You didn't have to tackle me, you know."

"Then you clearly don't know us very well." Desire laughs as they climb off of me. As I sit up, Phoenix reaches his hand out to me and helps me to my feet.

"I've missed you guys." I smile, nearly in tears as I hug them both.

"Ditto." Desire says happily as we let go "How are you feeling?" she asks, somewhat concerned.

"Not bad, this was an easy awakening compared to most." I smile reassuringly "How about you, Phoenix?"

"A little fuzzy, but otherwise alright." he laughs "Back to my old self for one day and suddenly we've got our favorite cousin back."

"Don't tell Jasper or Rynn that." I giggle as we begin to walk down the hall.

"They weren't first-gen babies, I'm sure they'd understand since we have sixty years over them." Desire states as we head down the stairs toward the throne room.

"Speaking of which," I begin, "I had a run-in with Nixi and Rynn the other day. I can't believe that Joey was reincarnated the right way this time. I didn't even know that that was possible."

"Aunt Nixi likes to say that nature corrected its' mistake." Desire explains "I really like the poetry of that. The soul didn't match the body, and this time, she became the person she was meant to be."

"Hell of a thing, isn't it?" I feel myself begin to smile warmly.

"What is?" Phoenix asks curiously.

"Our lives." I state "We get to see strange occurrences happen all the time that any normal person could never even begin to imagine just because we get to be reborn." I explain as we pass through the throne room. The guards that had been standing by suddenly greet us excitedly.

"Miss Breeze, it is so nice to meet you." A woman says respectfully as she bows her head.

"Call me Tessa, please. No need to be so formal." I smile.

"Of course." she nods her head as we begin to pass by. The further we go down the hall, the more we run into excited servants and guards. Having two awakenings within a day of each other hasn't happened since the first shipwreck victims settled down and had families generations ago.

"I can honestly say, I don't miss being practically worshiped." I sigh as we head for the dining hall.

"Geeze, you sound like your mother." Desire laughs "Just make the most of it." she states as we turn a corner down the hall. Suddenly, I feel a sick feeling in my gut. Thinking about her just makes me uneasy right now.

"Tessa?" Phoenix tries to get my attention. I hadn't even noticed that I stopped walking.

"Oh my god," Desire starts apologetically "I am so sorry. I forgot this is the first time you've come back without her." she sighs.

"It's okay, it's just... weird, you know?" I state as I begin to catch up with them.

"I know the feeling." Phoenix sighs "But hopefully it won't stay that way forever. You are really close in age to your dad. Despite how creepy that is, Aunt Val could be out there the same age as him right now."

"I don't want to get my hopes up." I explain solemnly "Besides, she would have been read when she turned sixteen."

"Not necessarily." Desire begins, her tone turning hopeful "A lot of kids who never attend school slip through the cracks. If she didn't come from a good family, she could just be out there independently living her life."

"Oh god, I never even thought of that," I say, suddenly trying to picture the possibility.

"For now though, let's focus on the ones who are here." Phoenix smiles as we walk into the dining hall. Everyone is there waiting for us, and a huge feast has been spread out across the table. Suddenly, everyone turns excitedly to see us.

"There's my beautiful grandbaby girl." Nadia smiles as she approaches me, gently placing her hands on my cheeks and kissing my forehead.

"Hi, grandma." I smile as I give her a hug.

"Welcome back, Bree." Eli smiles as he waves the three of us over. Desire and Phoenix head to their spots beside their mother as I begin to gravitate toward my old seat beside my father.

"It's good to see you again as yourself this time." Nixi smiles as everyone else sits down.

"It's good to finally feel like myself, I honestly never expected anything like this," I state, embarrassed.

"Hey, that's just how it happens sometimes." Nanea laughs "It sure came as a surprise to me too when I woke up. After that, Brendan and I decided to establish a home so that we could help the kids who had a higher chance of being one of our family members."

"That was really smart." I smile as servants begin to pass the plates around "I know you never cared about living here or being involved in running things."

"It seems to have paid off." Brendan states happily as he begins to tear into a piece of bread "When you complained of strange nightmares, I had a feeling. We didn't want to scare you, so we figured that we would wait to see if you figured anything out on your own." he explains.

"You're here now, that's all that matters." Daddy smiles warmly as he leans over and kisses the top of my head.

"Well," Roxie begins as she stands up, holding out her glass "This is to once again finding our way back home, through thick and thin, we always have each other." she smiles.

"To each other." We all join in as we raise our glasses. Luckily, no one seems to care that I'm only sixteen, so they had given me a glass of the good stuff. It burns going down but is sweet as ever nonetheless.

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