Chapter 81- The Demon's Goddess

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Trigger Warning: Trauma References

"This could have been your time here all along you know," Lucius sighs as he comes in, shaking his head as he watches one of the maids brush my messy hair.

    "What do you mean?" I ask curiously, watching him closely as he looks at the open bottle on the shelf, then glancing back at me.

    "You were a prisoner by choice, sweetheart." he explains, pouring himself a drink "You act as though acceptance and accommodation weren't an option."

    "Well, considering the situation now, I suppose it was never my choice, hm?" I state mockingly, cocking my head to the side as I wave the maid away "Tell me; what exactly did you do to me, Lucius?" I ask, not breaking eye contact. He seems uneasy as he motions for the maid to leave, and she bows her head as she goes.

    "Things were never supposed to go this way, but you were never going to stop fighting me." he explains solemnly "I needed to know you were going to stay here at least until all of this bloodshed was over, even if that meant..."

    "Taking control of my mind and forcing me to submit to you however you see fit?" I state calmly, slouching back " Even saying this, I should be angry, furious with you, but instead, I feel complacent."

    "Yes, that is part of it, but it doesn't work the way you think." he sighs, casually leaning against the counter "You still have your own thoughts, but you can't go against my wishes as you please, and your conscience is... slightly altered," he explains.

    "Altered?" I ask blankly.

    "How should I explain this;" he begins, pondering to himself "If you see or do something that would normally upset, or maybe even go as far as to break you, you most likely won't be affected. By consuming my blood, your conscience and mine have been equalized to some extent, and in doing so, you've most likely become unburdened by certain fears and trepidations."

    "That's a grotesque concept." I say calmly, glancing at the bed "I have to admit, there are only two concerns that are still managing to push through despite your... let's call it influence. I expect you to answer me honestly, and I believe I deserve that much considering the things you have put me through. Is that fair?"

    "Of course," he agrees "what's on your mind, my dear?"

    "A month ago when you kept me here, you told me that I was special to you, but also that infatuation doesn't have to be romantically oriented. Does that statement still hold true, or have you developed other motives or feelings over the past few weeks?" I ask curiously, studying his face. He seems taken aback by the sudden question as if he thought I couldn't ask, but despite his efforts, my will may be stronger than his blood bond. After a moment, he takes a deep breath, seeming to try to build courage as he steps across the room to me.

    "Are you sure you want my honest answer?" he asks, gazing down at me longingly.

    "That question was practically as good as an answer." I say as I raise my eyebrows, "You seemed so resolute before, what changed?" I ask curiously, and suddenly he kneels before me, taking my hand.

    "You did," he says, and I start to hear the pain in his voice "I called you Shade, and I know you seemed offended. It's not just because it was what Gael had chosen, it's because it's who you have evolved to be. You merged with something that you feared and came out the other side strong enough to return here to where..." he sighs, resting his forehead on my hand "Where I put you through so much hell your nightmares tried to tear you apart."

    "What are you talking about?" I shutter as I watch him try to hold it together.

    "Malakai told me what happened when you went through a traumatic episode after you and Veronika got out. He had to use his abilities to knock you out to stop you from killing yourself," he explains, and suddenly, I feel a tear drip down my hand.

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