Chapter 106- Reminisce

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 It feels strange getting formally dressed for the first time in ages, we haven't had a true awakening ceremony in my lifetime unless you count the trainwreck that happened when I found out about my past. Considering the circumstances, I had to connect with myself thanks to the nightmares, but in Rynn's case, she's come of age finally. This time, we get to do it by the book.

"Anyone home?" I suddenly hear Aria's voice from outside. Excited, I rush to the door to greet her but I quickly see that someone has beat me as Calem has already jumped into her arms.

"Geeze, little man, you're getting big." Kyle chuckles as he comes in for a hug "How are you guys?" he asks happily.

"We had some chaos this morning, but that's nothing new." I laugh "How's married life treating you?" I ask curiously as Aria follows us in.

"Fantastic," she smiles, setting my son down "We finally found a new place on the outskirts of town in the grove village," she explains excitedly.

"Damn, that's pretty close by," I state in surprise "You trying to tell me something?"

"Living in the city is great and all, but I think you guys are doing it right by distancing yourselves from the noise," Kyle explains as he watches Cali dart out from the bedroom, her hair still dripping wet.

"To be honest, I think we might be doing everyone else a favor." I chuckle, watching the twins start to chase each other. Glancing back at the bedrooms, I wait for Magnus to come out, but I can probably assume he's getting ready.

"So, are you excited for tonight?" Aria asks curiously, taking a seat on the couch.

"I'm not going to lie, I'm a little nervous. It's been a long time since we've done anything like this." I explain "I'm honestly surprised Rynn hasn't naturally connected with herself at this point considering everything she's been through."

"It's so crazy to think about now," Aria sighs "I still remember when we met her on the beach and she was looking for her mom," she explains solemnly.

"Looking back, it was that encounter that led to us meeting them and me finding out who I was. If that hadn't happened, everything might not have set into motion the way that it did and we might not have found out about everything that was going on before it was too late." I explain thoughtfully "It's almost like it was fate."

"You've both told me the stories, but all I remember from that time was the red sky and my house collapsing." Kyle explains sadly "We had no idea what was going on, and honestly, I'm kind of glad I didn't until it was over."

"Count yourself lucky," Aria states as she squeezes his hand "Knowing the truth and having to wait to hear news every day was like torture."

"Let's not talk about this anymore," I sigh, looking down at my feet "I just want to live for the future and not dwell on what we can't change about the past. It's bad enough that it's still trying to take over my dreams." I explain, watching the kids play.

"Nightmares again?" Aria asks worriedly.

"More like memories." I sigh, trying not to get emotional again "Considering what today is, I was remembering a lot about what it took to get us here."

"Hey, bring that smile back." Kyle says empathetically "You've done more than your fair share, I think it's about time you treat yourself to some fun." he states happily.

"Right." Aria states confidently "We're keeping the kids till tomorrow, you guys are getting a night to yourselves." she winks.

"Wait, you don't have to-"

"No buts, we're doing this." Kyle laughs "When was the last time you two got to enjoy some quality time together?"

"I guess you have a good point." I sigh exhaustedly.

"Look, you're twenty-five and you've got your whole life to be a tired momma, but tonight, you're gonna see your family and be yourself again. Got it?" Aria states bluntly.

"Deal." I smile, nodding my head. At that moment, Magnus walks out and seems confused.

"Did I miss something?" He asks, glancing between the three of us.

"We got you a present, no returns." Aria states, standing up and making her way over to hug him "Only stipulation; enjoy yourselves without worrying for once."

"They're staying the night." I laugh, slouching back on the couch.

"Wait, but I thought-"

"Hush," Aria puts a finger on his lips "Now get going, you've got a big day ahead of you," she explains, and I stand up, straightening my dress as I make my way to the corner where the twins have started doing handstands against the wall.

"Alright you two, are you going to be good for Aunt Aria?" I ask, and they both flop onto the ground.

"Yes," Cali says as she flips herself forward, poking Calems head.

"Promise." he mumbles, but he doesn't seem convincing.

"Mhm, you better, or you won't get to go to the festival tomorrow." I state, crossing my arms sternly.

"But mom!" Calem shouts in protest.

"Best behavior," I say as I reach out to hug them "I'll see you two in the morning."

SURVIVE (THRIVE: Book Two)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora