Chapter 36- Left in the Past

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Part Two- The Ancient Ones

"She's beautiful." Amy smiles as she gazes down into my cradle "I'm really happy for you, Val."

"Thank you." my mother says softly as she looks at me thoughtfully "I never thought I would ever see her again," she explains as she reaches down and gently caresses the top of my head.

"It's been such a long time since I've seen you this high in spirits." Amy states, then suddenly begins to look worried "How are you doing with all of this?"

"What do you mean?" Mother asks as she takes a step back.

"Just... ever since what you and Victoria had to... I wasn't sure how you would feel-"

"That was not the same." Mother snaps defensively "That was a curse, and now... she's a miracle, that's what matters. I did what I had to do, and if you think for one second that I regret it, I swear to god-"

"Veronika, calm down, that's not what I meant." Amy sighs "I just... if it were me, I guess I don't know if I could ever go through with having a child. I... I don't know how you found a way to push past it." she explains solemnly.

"We are not having this conversation right now. I'm leaving the shadows from the past where they belong. If I didn't do that... I would probably be dead by now." Mother sighs as she looks back down at me, carefully lifting me out of the crib "After all, what matters most in this world is what's happening here and now. I have to be strong for my little warrior."

I can't believe my eyes as I stare at the young man in front of me. His cold glare feels as though it's piercing right through me, seeing into my soul. None of this makes any matter of sense to me, but just the sight of the ancient hex that the monster had once used was enough to terrify me more than anything I have ever felt before.

"That's impossible," I state defensively, careful not to break eye contact "My mother never had another child, and she definitely didn't with Gael," I explain, trying to wrack my brain for any sign that what he is saying might be true.

"Well, you aren't wrong about that." Kai shrugs as he begins to step closer. I try to back away, but stop when I nearly fall off the back of the altar.

"What the hell are you talking about?" I ask, absolutely confused. Suddenly, Marissa and Tex begin walking toward the door.

"We'll leave you two to talk." Marissa says as she begins to walk out, suddenly stopping to look back at Cleo "Aren't you coming?" she asks, concerned.

"No way in hell am I leaving them alone together," Cleo states defensively.

"Fine, have it your way." Tex shrugs as they leave "Just don't let your temper cloud your judgment, okay?"

"Bite me." Cleo snaps as they go.

"Tatia, you don't need to protect me anymore," Kai states as he looks around me at her.

"Like hell, I don't," Cleo says angrily as she begins to approach me. "I trust you, but I haven't seen enough of this little bitch to know what she's capable of."

"Tatia?" I ask, trying to sound as confident as possible "I'm guessing that's your actual name, not the one that you stole."

"Clever." she smiles as she leans down to my eye level "And what do I call you then? Breeze, Mckenna, Krista, Tessa? It all seems like so much to keep track of, it's exhausting."

"Oh, yea?" I ask angrily "How many names have you had?"

"More than I can count, but it doesn't really matter to me." she shrugs as she wanders back to the other side of the room "Let's not focus on me when there are more important things that we need to talk about." she suggests as she looks back at Kai "Go ahead."

"Breeze, what did it feel like for you? " he begins "Being murdered before you even had a chance to live," he asks, his tone sounding dark.

"What?" I ask, trying to fight off the memory "What does it matter to you?" My instincts are practically screaming for me to run, but I can't bring myself to try.

"Well, sister, that's one thing that I suppose we have in common." Kai sighs as he climbs up to sit across from me on the altar "The difference is, you weren't destroyed by your own mother." he states. Suddenly, my heart begins to pound harder, causing my head to throb and my vision to blur.

"She never... she was never pregnant before me, there's no way," I explain, trying to catch my breath.

"Once again, you are both right and wrong about that." he sighs as he begins to stare down at the ground "You were her first until my father put that curse on you. He was right to worry about who you could become, it would have been a mistake to let you live when your father was such a monster. Especially back then, who knows how he could have influenced you."

"My father is a great man, he's a leader, and he always has been," I say angrily. "If anyone was a monster, it was Gael, hands down. After what he did, the people he killed, he murdered his own brother when he wouldn't submit to his ideals." I explain defensively.

"Are you really that naive as to believe that he's as pure as you've made him out to be?" Kai asks "I'm disappointed, I had expected more from you, Breeze."

"You keep talking like I believe anything that you're saying." I state as I glare at him "The least that you could do is prove it." I ask, trying to call his bluff. Suddenly, he turns and gives me a twisted smile.

"Alright, if that's what it takes, then so be it," he says softly as he holds both of his hands out.

"Absolutely not!" Cleo suddenly interjects "See, this is why I stayed back. You are not letting her inside your mind."

"My mind, my choice." Kai states as he turns his attention back to me "Shall we?" he asks kindly. Reluctantly, I take his hands, and soon we're transported into his Soul's Gate.

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