Chapter 69- Outcasted

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"Are you sure you want to open that door?" Calista asks, "We all know how hard it can be to face the past." Scarlett and I seem equally worried as we watch her mother and Mahina hesitantly ponder the decision.

"I hate to state the obvious," Scarlett breaks the silence "But two of us weren't even alive back then, and knowing a little more about this history, not to mention learning more about what the actual fuck we're going to be going up against is the entire reason we're in here, isn't it?" she asks, and the others stare at her awkwardly. It was undeniable that she had a good point.

"Fine," Scara sighs, turning to me nervously "But are you sure you're ready to see him?" she asks. I think for a moment, but just like with Lucius, I know what I have to do.

"Everyone needs to face their demons." I state confidently "He may have killed me, but he had an obsessive hold over my mother, killed his brother, Uncle Mateo when he refused to see things his way, and he raged war over the city and brainwashed so many people. Then he came back, cursed me, and forced you all to exterminate his remaining cult members, all just to come back again and start another fight that resulted in a cruise ship crash and me now having a half-brother." I explain, and at this point, everyone is just staring at me with wide eyes "If that psycho bitch and the others had something to do with him doing all of that, I sure as hell want to know how."

"Damn, look at the guts on you." Calista chuckles "I honestly wasn't expecting you to be so ballsy."

"She takes after her mom in that aspect," Mahina states bluntly.

"Right," Calista sighs "How's Veronika doing? I know Ember is still in her head."

"The sociopath is at bay and can't do anything, but there's nothing we can do to get her out without taking any big risks." Scara sighs "Veronika has stated that she's willing to die if that's what it takes to separate them, but considering I've never seen anything like this before, I don't know if that would even work." she explains.

"Oh, it would." Calista adds "But Ember is too proud to just give up without a fight. She'd rather prove she can take 'her' body back. Otherwise, she would have just gotten it over with and moved on as soon as she figured out who Artemis was." she explains solemnly.

"What are we supposed to do? She can't stay like that forever." I plead.

"Look, facing Ember head-on inside her mind would be stupid, she has far too much of a grasp on how to manipulate the environment, and not to be blunt, but you would all get yourselves killed." Calista explains "The only option may be to draw her out, let her take control, take her on somehow, and get her weak enough to rip her soul out of Artemis." she states, trying to sound optimistic.

"You make it sound easy." Scara scoffs.

"Doesn't help that you and your daughter are practically useless against her, no offense." she mutters, looking back at Mahina and me "Look, I know you don't have a reason to trust me, but I'll help you. Ember is strong, but fire means nothing on a rainy day," she explains, and suddenly the world starts to drizzle.

"She's your family, why would you help us?" Scarlett asks skeptically.

"I've been following along with everything for generations because they're my friends," she explains, leaning forward to look at her reflection in the water below "But what they've become stands against everything we wanted to be. I'm still here because they want me to be, but when it comes to their views, I want no part in it anymore." she sighs, and I can see her eyes welling up with tears.

"If you don't agree with them, why haven't you stood up for yourself," I ask, confused "Or let alone just up and left?" Suddenly she starts to chuckle.

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