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Carol and Tyreese somehow found us. I didn't want to stay at the cottage anymore so we began following the railroad again. We need a sign for a place called Terminus. Dean and Carol agreed to go while Tyreese and I stayed back with Judith. Castiel wanted to go with Dean but was forced to stay back with me.

I pace back and forth while we wait. There's a loud explosion in the background that makes me look at Castiel.

"Cas, please go check on them," I beg.

I pick up Judith to distract myself from what's going on out there. Are Rick and them out there? Did Dean get hurt? Where's Sam?

I sigh and kiss the top of Judith's head, "Castiel, go."

"No way. Your brother will be upset with me if I leave you," he argues.

"I'll have her back," Tyreese promises, "Go before the girl has a panic attack."

Castiel sighs but vanishes.

"What the?" Ty looks at me in confusion.

"He's an angel," I answer nonchalant.


"Zombies are real. So are angels and demons," I confirm.

He doesn't say anything in response but takes a seat like he's in shock. I walk over to him and place a hand on his shoulder, "Supernatural is all around."

"Yeah," he mutters.

Before I know it, Crowley is standing in front of me with the biggest grin, "You're alive, dove!"

"Crowley! Where the hell were you?" I practically scream, running over to him. I'm careful not to crush Judith as I hug him.

"I was with Moose," He answers. That's when I realize that the entire group is heading in our direction plus more people that I don't recognize.

Once Rick's eyes meet mine, he's running towards me. Carl is close behind him. I pull away from Crowley to meet Rick and Carl.

"You're both okay," Rick mumbles as he pulls me into his arms. He kisses my forehead then takes Judith from me. I tug Carl into my embrace.

I know I have tears falling from my face because I get Rick's shirt wet but I don't care. My family is alive and we are together.

I hear Sam clear his throat, "Am I nothing to you know?"

I shake my head and move away from Rick and them to hug my older brother, "I'm glad you're okay."

"Crowley made sure nothing happened to me. For a demon, he's got a soft spot for you. He kept saying you would kill him if I died," He answers as he keeps his arms around me.

I laugh softly and look back at Crowley. He's already looking at us with a grin.

"I cannot help that Eleanor is the best Winchester," Crowley says with a smirk.

"No way, that's me," Dean disagrees.

Sam looks back at our brother and shakes his head, "no way."

I go around the group and hug Maggie and Glenn, "No Beth?"

Maggie shakes her head and glances at Daryl. I'll have to ask Daryl about it later. I hug Sasha who has reunited with her brother. I then move to hug Daryl. We just stand there and look at each other for a moment but he finally tugs my arm and pull me against him. I wrap my arms around his neck and sigh.

"I thought you were dead," he mumbles against my neck.

"What is that rock on your hand?" Carol points out, grabbing my hand from around Daryl's neck and pulling me away from him.

I laugh, "It's my grandmothers ring. Rick asked me to marry him before..."

"It's gorgeous," Maggie states, "we can have our weddings together."

I wink at Maggie, "definitely."

"Our grandmothers ring?" Dean asks, storming over to me and grabbing my hand.

"Be gentle!" I snap at him.

"Yeah!" Sam smacks Dean in the back of his head.

"Where the hell did you get this?" Dean looks at Rick.

"I asked Castiel to get the ring for him. I knew how much it would mean to El," Sam answers before Rick can.

"Is that why you were missing while my girlfriend was dying?" Dean snaps at Castiel.

"Calm down. I asked him before the virus happened. He didn't know," Sam defends Castiel.

"Are you going to punch me again?" Castiel asks Dean with a frown.

"No he's not Castiel," I answer, "Dean, stay away from Cas if you're going to be a dick."

"What the hell did we just walk into?" A tall man with red hair and beard say.

I look at him and flash him a grin, "We are the damn Winchesters."

"Oh right. This is Abraham, Rosita, Eugene, and Tara," Glenn introduces the new people.

I recognize the last girl, "You were with the governor, right?"

She visibly winces, "I had no idea."

"It's okay. You're with us now," I promise her, "We took in a damn demon. You'll fit right in."

"If you're going to call me a demon, can you at least call me the King of Hell?" Crowley complains.

"In your wildest dream, Crowley."

Collide (Supernatural X TWD)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora