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I have Judith snuggled against my front as I walk between Dean and Castiel. I'm not happy with either of them at the moment but I have Judith so she's keeping me calm. Lizzie and Mika are skipping in front of us.

Castiel had grabbed me and did his stupid angel thing that took me away from Rick. Dean already had Judith, Mika, and Lizzie. It took almost everything in me not to run back to Rick. The only thing that stopped me was that we had children to get out of there. I wouldn't forgive myself if something happened to the baby wrapped around me.

Judith may not be mine but she held a part of my heart and soul. She was the future and I would do everything I could do to protect her.

It's utterly silent as we walk. We are following train tracks and I have no idea where we are going. I just want a safe place for these girls to sleep.

"I can't believe I lost Baby," Dean mutters.

I roll my eyes. We are separated from our group and he's over here talking about a damn car. I'm about to smack the shit out of him.

"Who is Baby?" Mika asks, looking back at us.

"His car," I answer, shaking my head.

The girls giggle, "are you dating your car?"

Dean blushes, "psh no."

"He totally is," Lizzie whispers not so quietly.

I laugh softly. It was going to be interesting with them around.

We found a cute little cottage to settle in. Dean and Castiel get to work to make the surrounding area safe for us. There was food in the pantry which surprised me. There's enough baby formula and diapers to get us through the next week. We will have to send Cas out to get some more stuff for us. I guess his angel abilities come in handy sometimes.

I finish setting plates down in front of Mika and Lizzie. I have Judith on my hip and a bottle in her mouth. Thank goodness she can hold her own drink because I don't know how people do this with one hand.

"You're a good pretend mom," Mika praises me.

I smile and lean down to press a kiss to her forehead, "thank you."

I never thought about kids before this because of the life we lived. I couldn't bring a child into the world before this let alone now. I'm not denying the fact that I want a child of my own but how could I? It wouldn't be fair to them. I know they are the future but I couldn't bare the thought of losing a child.

My eyes shoot up once the front door opens and in steps Dean. He makes eye contact with me then quickly looks away. Cas stumbles in behind him and I see he has a bloody lip.

"Cas?" I question.

"I fell," he mumbles, wiping his lip with the back of his hand.

"On Dean's fist?" Mika wonders out loud.

She's a smart kid that's for sure.

I shake my head, "I'm sure it was just a misunderstanding."

"Yep," Dean pops the P.

I ignore that there is tension between the two grown men in the room and continue focusing on the girls. I found some spare clothes for them to wear for bed. Dean starts a fire for us to hover around. We spend the night laying on the floor over layers of blankets and pillows. Mika is snuggled up against Dean and Lizzie is soundly asleep.

"I'll watch after Judith while you sleep," Castiel offers. I shared my nervousness of co sleeping so he can ensure that nothing will happen to Judith while she sleeps next to me. I've heard too many horror stories of people rolling on top of babies while sleep and suffocating them.

I finally let sleep surround me with Judith safely beside me and wishing I were with her father.

I'm startled awake by a scream. I feel around and realize that Judith is not with me. I quickly pull my boots on a run out the door. I stop in my tracks when I see Mika laying on the ground with a stab wound and blood soaking through her shirt. Lizzie is standing over her and I'm mortified.

"Lizzie? What happened?" I practically yell as I run towards them.

"You just have to wait and see! She's going to come back and be okay," Lizzie gushes.

This little girl has lost her damn mind. She really thinks walkers are friends. That they are people. She killed her baby sister to prove that to us.

"Where's Dean, Castiel, and Judith?" I ask her quietly.

"They went scavenging and didn't want to wake you up," She explains.

"Okay, Lizzie. Come over here and we will wait for Mika," I tell her, reaching for her hand.

She nods and takes my hand. I feel completely crushed that sweet Mika was murdered by her own sister. My eyes are too trained on Lizzie's to see that Mika has came back as a walker. She immediately reaches for Lizzie and pulls her down on her. I scream and try to stab Mika before she can get Lizzie. I'm too late. Mike takes a bite out of Lizzie's shoulder as Lizzie cries for help. My two girls taken from me in a matter of minutes. I finally stab Mika and pull Lizzie off of Mika.

"I'm so sorry," Lizzie cries into my arms as I hold her against me. I'm getting blood all over me but I keep holding her. I hold her head against my chest and kiss the top of it.

"It's okay, Lizzie. Sing me a song, okay?" I soothe her.

She nods and begins singing a soft melody to me. I slowly pull my gun up and pull the trigger. Her blood splatters all over me and her body goes limp as I sob.

I drop my gun and gently lay her down next to her sister.

It takes me hours to dig graves and put their lifeless bodies in them. By the time Dean and Castiel come back, I'm covered in blood, dirt, and tears.

"Eleanor?" Dean looks at me in confusion and all I can do is shake my head at him.

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