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I follow Rick out of the prison gates

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I follow Rick out of the prison gates. He grips my hand tightly like he's nervous about something. Once we are finally on the bridge, he stops walking and turns to face me. A grin plays on his lips. His eyes rake over my body to fully take me in. The wind swirls around us, making leaves fly past our feet.

"Eleanor," Rick begins, doing that cute head turn he does when he's serious about something.

"Rick," I encourage him to go.

I'm not prepared for the next moment. Rick pulls out a wedding ring but not any wedding ring, my grandmother's wedding ring. I let my jaw drop in utter surprise. How did he end up with it? I haven't seen this ring since my father hid it at Bobby's place years ago. I had dreamed as a young girl wearing this ring but my father told me no man would be worthy to give me it. How wrong he was.

"There's no way I can ever truly show you how grateful I am for you bringing me back to life. You gave not only me your love and loyalty, but my children as well. I have never met anyone as beautiful as you are. I have no doubt that our souls have been connected before. My soul recognized yours the moment I laid eyes on you. I would do you anything for you and be anything for you. I would be honored to be your husband and worship you for however long we have together. I love you, Ellie. Will you marry me?"

I'm at a loss of words so I quickly nod and hold out my left hand. He laughs and slips the ring on the designated finger. I grin at the diamond glistening in the sun, still in utter shock.

"How did you get this ring?" I ask, grabbing onto his shirt to pull him to me.

"Sam had Castiel get it for you. That's why Cas went missing for a couple of days. It was my fault. I just wanted this to be special for you," he explains.

It all starts to make sense. Castiel wasn't ignoring us. He was asked to get something by Sam and since it involved me, he wasn't going to say no.

Castiel came just in time to save Dean and some of the others. We lost a lot of people but it's not Castiel's job to save these people. He doesn't owe them shit. He honestly doesn't owe us shit.

After everyone was healed, things slowly started to go back to normal. We buried the dead and we are trying to move on the best we can. It's only been a week since everything. It's going to take more time but it seems to feel normal ish again.

Carol is gone and I know Daryl is upset about it. Rick had no choice but to send her away as she killed Karen and David. It was wrong what she did even if she thought she was saving everyone. It wasn't her choice to do that. Tyreese is still destroyed over it but he's working on it. Dean let himself grieve Jo right after her death then went right back to acting like nothing happened. He has his hard exterior covering his broken heart.

I tug Rick towards me and he doesn't hesitate to grab my waist and pull me into a kiss. I reach my hand up to tug on his curls. He lets out a raspy moan in response to my action. I take that opportunity to dive my tongue into his mouth, wanting to explore him. It's a messy and heated kiss that ends with me practically groping him because I can't seem to ever get close enough to him.

There's a sudden bang that separates us from each other. Before I can even comprehend what's happening, Rick has me pulled on the ground and using himself as shield. Bullets are flying and shouts are happening. The Governor has came back with ammo and people. And a vengeance.

"Rick," I can barely get out.

He doesn't seem to hear me as he focuses on shooting towards the Governor.

"Rick," I finally say louder, "He has Hershel and Michonne."

Rick looks towards me then back at the group attacking us, "stay here."

"No no," I cry out, "do not go over there."
"I have to," He says sternly before pressing a kiss to my lips. He hands me a gun and runs toward the Governor.

I can barely hear what they are saying. I look at the rest of group to see if I can make eye contact with my brothers. I don't see either of them.


Just as I look back towards the Governor, I seen him take the sword and bring it down on Hershel. I can hear Beth and Maggie's screams from here. No one moves for a moment, all shocked.

It feels like slow motion as my group finally reacts. I can see Rick going after the Governor and I can feel myself panic. I take off after him, hiding behind anything I can in order to reach him safely.

"Crowley!" I call out, hoping that he'll hear me somehow. I don't really have time to create a devils trap.

The Governor is kicking Rick's ass as I try to get close enough to them. I finally see Crowley standing over the two of them, "Surprise."

It only takes a movement for Crowley to have the Governor dead. I watch as Crowley offers Rick his hand and he's quick to take it.

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