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I jump when I enter my cell and find the king of hell waiting for me with a grin on his face, "hello Dove."

"Crowley! You're going to give me a heart attack!" I complain but take a seat next to him anyway.

"We need to talk," he says, patting my thigh.

"Hell yeah we do. You said you were going to kill the Governor. Castiel has been M.I.A. I have been praying to him nonstop since Dean and Jo got sick. They are getting real bad! Daryl is out there looking for medicine and I feel like I am losing me shit!" I exclaim, ranting about everything.

"Dove," he begins.

"Don't you 'dove' me. You need to fix this, now."

"I'm not sure where Castiel is. I'm sorry I didn't kill the Governor, I couldn't find him," Crowley explains.

"You're the King of Hell and you're absolutely useless!" I raise my voice as I stand up.

"You are moody today. Did you get your period?"

"Get out! Leave!" I yell, grabbing anything to throw at him. By the time I find something and go to throw it, he's vanished.

"Ellie? Are you okay?" Sam asks from behind me.

"Where the hell is Castiel? He's seriously can't be letting Dean die," I rant.

"He's not letting Dean die. He will be here," Sam reassures me and reaches to grab my arm.

"How do you know?" I ask in a softer tone.

"No one wants the wrath of Eleanor Winchester if her big brother dies," he says as I let him pull me into his embrace.

I let myself calm down and lean against my brother for comfort, "You always know how to calm me."

"I've had a long time to practice."

"I'm just scared to lose him," I mumble.

"Dean won't leave us," he promises.

I know that's true. Dean has always fought for us. We are each other's weaknesses. There's no way in hell he would leave Sam and I in the apocalypse.

I hear gunshots coming from outside of the prison and inside the cell blocks that the sick are in.

I pull away from Sam with fright evident on my face, "Sam."

"Go find Rick and I'll see what's going on in the cell block," he tells me.

I hate the idea of us separating but it's the only way we can check on both. We both head out then go our separate ways. I run towards the sound of Carl and Rick yelling. The sound and smell of the dead hits me and I know the gate has collapsed. I finally see Rick and Carl with guns in their hands. They are shooting at the herd of walkers.

"Rick!" I yell at him. There's too many of them for us to try to get the area back. He needs to give up before Carl gets hurt.

They both ignore me so I decide to join them. I grab a gun and take a stance by Carl. He just glances at me and gives me a quick nod.

Our bullets are being wasted and Rick is finally realizing that. The herd of walkers are starting to close in on us.

"Back off!" Rick yells to us. I wait for Carl to leave the gated area then follow after him. Rick is close behind me. I'm shocked when I run straight into something that wasn't there before. I look up and meet Castiel's eyes. The herd behind us is suddenly dropped on the ground, all of them actually dead now.

"Castiel," I breathe out.

"I'm sorry," he whispers.

I'm not sure what he's sorry for. Was it because he ignored my prayers? Ignored Dean's prayers? Whatever the reason, he's here now. He can heal Dean and Jo.

I wrap my arms around his neck, catching him off guard. He's still not the best with physical affection but he hugs me anyway.

"What the fuck just happened?" Carl asks in shock.

"Carl, language!" Rick yells at him which makes me laugh.

"This is Castiel," I explain to the guys, "he's an angel."

"Angel?" Carl asks, shocked.

"Angel," Cas confirms.

"I've heard a lot about you," Rick says, holding out his hand for Cas to shake.

Cas glances at his hand before he hesitates and shakes it. I giggle at their awkward interaction.

"Woah," Carl says, shaking his head.

The engine of a car catches our attention. The group is back with medicine.

"Castiel, go to Dean and Jo," I tell him.

He frowns and shakes his head, "that's what I'm sorry about."

"What?" I ask him, confused.

"Jo is dead," He explains, "I healed all of who I could. Dean is okay."

"Jo?" I ask for confirmation.

He nods slowly, "I'm sorry."

"Oh," is all I managed to get out.

I can't even imagine my brother's pain right now. I need to get to him and make sure he's okay.

"Sam is with him," It's like Cas can read my damn mind.

I nod slowly and begin to move past him. All I need is to see Dean. I walk towards the cell block and don't stop until I reach Dean. Sam is hovering over him and Jo. Dean has Jo in his arms as he sobs. Sam immediately reaches for me and I take my hand into his. We don't say anything as our big brother cries over Jo. I let the tears escape and fall down my cheeks.

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