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Being a Winchester is not an easy thing

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Being a Winchester is not an easy thing. I'm twenty years old and I've spent most of my life in hotels and never staying in a place for longer than two months. It's a miracle that Sam and I even turned out as well as we did.

Sam was a pre-law student but he dropped out to hunt with Dean full time. Oh yeah, we hunt monsters. Sounds like fun, right?

My name is Eleanor and I am the youngest Winchester. My dad is John Winchester and he is a hunter. I was born two years after Sam and Dean's mom was killed by a demon. I was the result of a one night stand between two hunters. My mother did not want me so I was dropped off on the doorstep of the hotel my dad was staying at with a letter. There's no denying that I'm his. Dean accuses me of being daddy's princess all the time. He thought dad babied Sam until I can along and he realized that our dad seen me as the child that must be protected of everything. That left Dean to do the punishing when I did something wrong, he basically raised Sam and I.

I adore my older brothers even when their being a pain in my ass. I know Dean sacrificed his childhood and Sam sacrificed his adulthood. Sam wanted a normal life with his girlfriend. That's all he wanted and that demon took away his future just as it took away our dad's future.

The love of their lives taken away from them.

I couldn't even imagine how that must feel.

My dating life is pretty much nonexistent. It's hard with two big brothers around. Dean likes to act like dad is the only one who treats me like a kid but he does the same thing. He won't even allow me to see a guy.

That caused me to sneak around so I've only ever had hookups and not an actual relationship.

If Dean knew that I've hooked up with random guys, he would flip his shit so that's a little secret.

"You're going to make the others jealous," I tell Sam

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"You're going to make the others jealous," I tell Sam.

"How?" He asks, a mouthful of toothpaste making it into a mumble.

"Toothpaste is a luxury," I say in a matter of fact tone.

He rolls his eyes and continues brushing his teeth.

John Winchester never warned his three kids about a zombie apocalypse. We were taught how to deal with almost every other supernatural creature. I never thought we'd have to face a world with the dead coming back to life. It's almost like every other creature we used to deal with suddenly disappeared.

I glance over at the camp we found a few days after the end of the world happened. People from different backgrounds came together for one thing: to survive.

One of the sweetest men I've ever met makes his way towards me with a grin on his face.

"Hi Glenn," I say with a grin to match his.

"How are the Winchester's today?" He asks, taking a seat next to me.

"The usual. Tired and hot," Dean answers for me from the passenger seat of his Impala.

"Do you guys never sleep?" Glenn wonders.

"We take turns," Sam answers. He is finally finished brushing his pearly whites.

"I sleep all the time," I say with a tease behind my voice.

"yeah because you're a spoiled brat!" Dean complains.

"Watch it, jerk," Sam defends me.


I roll my eyes at their name calling. It's constant bickering between these two. I'm supposed to be the little sister but I can't help but feel like their mother at times.

A little boy wearing a little grey wolf shirt runs up to me, practically jumping on my lap.

"Carl!" I laugh as I catch him.

"Want to come fishing with Shane and I?" He asks with the happiest smile on his face.

I glance behind him at the dark, mysterious man. Shane has always gave me weird vibes that Carl's mother is oblivious to. That has caused me to constantly be looking over Carl especially when he spent time with Shane.

"Of course I'll go with you," I agree.

Sam makes a noise that sounds like a cough but I knew it meant that I needed to be careful.

I let Carl climb on my back before I stand up. I keep my hands on his legs so he doesn't fall as I make my way to Shane.

"Let's go catch some fish," I tell him.

"Hell yeah," Shane agrees, running his hand over Carl's head.

I can feel Lori's eyes on us. It's so secret that she's sleeping with Shane which is probably why she's so oblivious to Shane's true nature.

I spend the afternoon with Shane and Carl. It honestly isn't too bad hanging out with Shane after he gets all of his flirty comments out of his system.

"Winchester! Get your ass over here!" I hear a voice yell to me.

I look in the direction of where the voice came from. Merle Dixon stands with his arms crossed over his chest.

I groan but make my way towards the rude asshole. Merle is so vocal with his opinions and doesn't give a shit what anyone else says.

"Yes?" I ask with my best fake voice.

"Daryl here is going hunting. I need you to go with him and cover his back. I'd do it myself but Im not his damn babysitter," Merle rambles.

"Why do you suddenly care?" I ask curiously.

"you're the only one Daryl has even attempted to talk to. Maybe give him some pussy while you're out there. Might help his shitty attitude," Merle answers.

I roll my eyes, "whatever."

Daryl reminds me a lot of my dad. They both have such a tough exterior and caring on the inside. Daryl doesn't show it much but he cares enough to put up with Merle's shitty attitude.

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