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I twirl around the locket that Dean got for me when I turned sixteen

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I twirl around the locket that Dean got for me when I turned sixteen. He gave me the longest speech about how boys would try to date me and possibly take advantage of me. He told me this locket would protect me whenever he wasn't around to do so.

The picture inside holds Sam and Dean when they were in their teens. It's my favorite picture of them because of how dorky they look.

I took that picture when i was thirteen and they were going to solve a case

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I took that picture when i was thirteen and they were going to solve a case. I adored my older brothers, I still do. They mean more to me than life. I would do anything for those boys.

I sigh as I let go of my necklace. Daryl left over an hour ago when he found out that Merle took Michonne to the Governor.

"You okay?" I look up as Rick approaches me.

"You should have went with Daryl," I say softly.

"He wanted to go on his own."

I sigh again, "maybe I should just go after him."

"He's not your responsibility anymore," Rick reminds me.

I close my eyes for a moment, "it's not about that."

"Then what is it about?"

"I'm just worried about him."

"You still love him," he says in more of a statement than a question.

"I don't know how to stop," I answer honestly, "I really like you and I think we could have something great. I just don't know how to let him go when he's around all the time."

Rick seems to hesitate for a moment before he presses his lips against mine. They are softer than I was expecting. I'm so used to Daryl's rough ones.

I part my mouth so he can slip his tongue in. I lean into him as our tongues fight for dominance. He taste addicting. He has a sweet taste to him that I want to devour.

I grip onto the collar of his shirt, pressing my body to his. He grips my waist as the kiss roughens.

We begin backing up until I'm up against the wall. He taps the back of my thighs and I jump so I can wrap my legs around his waist. His lips trail down to my neck as he grinds his front against mine.

I let out a soft whimper, desperate for more of him. Desperate for all of him.

"Are you fucking kidding?" I hear Daryl scoff from behind us.

Rick let's go of me and we both look at Daryl in shock.

"My brother risked his life for you and you're fucking my girl," Daryl raises his voice.

"Daryl," I begin.

"Right. You're not mine anymore. Didn't take you long to move on. Merle was right about you, you're just a slut."

I wince when he calls me a slut, "Stop it."

"Merle is dead. Hope you're happy, Rick. Have fun with her," Daryl scoffs again before walking away from us.

Rick looks back at me, "are you okay?"

"Just don't tell my brothers that he called me a slut, please."

"You're not a slut," he tells me.

"He's right. I moved on too fast," I mumble.

"There's no time stamp on how long it takes to move on from someone," he reminds me.

"Can you just kiss me again?" I ask innocently.

He shows a small smile before he presses his lips against mine again.

I stand between my brothers as Rick goes over the plan. We trick the Governor and his people to believe that we abandoned the prison. Once they let their guard down, we attack.

"Beth, Carl, and Hershel, I want you guys to hide in the woods with Judith," Rick says, "Sam, do you mind going with them?"

"Only if Eleanor goes with him," Dean answers for Sam.

Rick meets my eyes with a nod, "of course."

"Why can't I stay?" Carl asks.

"I need you to protect your sister," Rick answers him.

"Judith has four other people protecting her!"

"Don't argue with me, please," Rick dismisses his son.

I glance over to see Daryl standing beside Carol. He avoids my eye contact. I sigh, leaning against Sam to get myself to stop thinking about him.

Daryl chose to leave me. Why is he the one that is so upset? If the roles were reversed, would he forgive me easily?

I understand why he left but I can't forgive him for doing it. How do I know be won't just leave again? That's the question I can't stop asking myself. I don't know what to do.

I try to focus on Sam's breathing. I've been listening to him breathe since we were kids. I used to lay my head on his chest and listen to the soft thump. It was soothing to me.

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