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Daryl and I have been tracking a deer back to the camp. We caught some squirrels which will be good to last us a few days if we can't catch the deer.

I can tell Daryl was getting restless even if he wouldn't admit it.

"Why don't we stop for the night?" I ask him.

"We'll lose the deer," Daryl answers, not even looking in my direction.

"Daryl," I say his name in hopes he'll stop walking.

He doesn't slow his pace so I stop walking completely. I cross my arms as he turns around to face me.

"You're acting like a child," He complains, shaking his head at me.

"So are you," I challenge him.

"We'll start moving again right at dawn," Daryl says, walking towards me.

I nod in agreement, "we can definitely do that. I can take first watch."

"No way," he says, setting down his bag and crossbow.

I drop my bag down against a tree and take a seat on the hard ground. Daryl sits beside me, his arm brushing against mine.

The woods are silent around us. Daryl doesn't talk much so it's been a quiet trip except for the occasional walker we stumbled upon. Most of the walkers have been in the city so far. Not many have traveled out this way.

Our only problem has been the lack of food. I'm not much of a hunter when it comes to wild animals. I used to live on fast food and greasy diner food. It's amazing my brothers and I even manage to stay in shape.

The darkness begins to surround us. I let my eyelids fall closed with the comfort of Daryl sitting beside me.

"Eleanor," Daryl's voice wakes me out of the deep sleep I was in.

The sun blinds me as I try to open my eyes, making me groan.

I hear Daryl chuckle from beside me, "It's time to start moving."

"You didn't wake me for watch?" I ask, confused.

"You looked too peaceful," he says in almost a whisper.

I look down at my lap and notice his flannel is draped over my lap. I can't help but smile.

Daryl tries so hard to seem tough but he's such a good guy.

"Let's go, tough guy," I tell him as I stretch.

He stands and pulls me up with him, holding onto my arm so I can balance myself.

I grab my bag and check that my gun is secure in my waist band as well. My knife is still tucked into my boot. It used to be the weapon I'd kill a demon with but it's turned into the weapon I killed a zombie with.

Crazy shit.

"Hey Daryl?" I speak up after two hours of silence.

He gives me a side eye to let me know he heard me.

"Why do you let Merle walk all over you the way you do?" I ask him, "I know he's hurt you yet you still let him say whatever to you."

He doesn't answer.

"Daryl," I sigh.

"Why do you let your brothers control you?" He comes back at me.

The question was enough to make me silent again.

Daryl was completely right. More often than not, I let my brothers make my decisions. I would follow those boys into hell if I had to.

Our dad had taught us from a young age that we only had each other. Blood was the only thing that mattered.

It doesn't matter who we think we know, we have to trust and listen to each other.

Except for Bobby. He truly was like our second dad. I bet he's still out here somewhere. He's a surviver.

By the time we went to Bobby's house, it was empty. All of his shotguns were gone and a picture of his wife was missing.

We figured he decided that he was no longer safe there.

A scream brings me out of my thoughts. It's a scream that sounds a lot like Carl.

"Daryl," I begin.

"I know, let's move," He agrees, picking up his pace.

I grab my knife from my boot and follow behind Daryl. We only kill with guns if we have to. It helps keep other walkers away. The sound attracts them to us and makes things worse.

By the time we reach where the sound was coming from, we are reunited with our group.

Lori, Shane, T-Dog, Dean, and Carl are surrounding a walker and a deer. There's also a man there in a cop uniform standing beside Lori and Carl.

I pay no mind to everyone else and go straight to Dean. He wraps his arm around me and check my body with his other hand for any marks.

"Dean, I'm fine," I mumble.

"Shut up and let me make sure," He ignores my complaint.

"Dammit! We've been tracking this deer for days," Daryl grunts.

That's when the walker groans and Daryl shoots his arrow in his head, "The head people! Cmon."

"Merle! Get your ugly ass out here!" Daryl begins to yell as he walks towards the camp.

"Where's Sam?" I ask Dean, holding onto his arm and pulling him after Daryl.

"He's with Amy," Dean answers, "Daryl is about to get pissed so I'd steer clear."

I stop in my tracks which causes him to bump into me, "what?"

That's when I see that new guy holding a gun to Daryl.

Oh hell no.

I storm over there, ignoring Dean asking me to stop.

"Get that gun away from him!" I snap at the guy in the cop uniform.

"He's a danger to himself and the people around him right now," The man says.

"What the hell did you do to make him upset then?" I ask.

"He locked Merle on the roof and left him in Atlanta," Daryl mutters.

"Move the gun," I tell the guy.

He pulls the gun away from Daryl so I quickly get between them so Daryl doesn't try to attack him or something.

"You must be Daryl's girlfriend?" The man guesses.

I can't help the small smile that plays on my lips, "I'm actually Eleanor Winchester, Dean and Sam's sister."

"Rick Grimes," He introduces himself.

He's handsome that's for sure.

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